Slideshow Software

I'm currently using Photoshop Elements 5 to store and index my images and to produce the occasional slideshow. Have seen adverts for Pro Show Gold and was wondering if anybody has any views on whether or not this package is better than Elements?
I have and use ProShow Gold and it is a very capable program that I highly recommend. It is a very full featured and specialized product so I would expect that it has significantly more features than Elements. I haven't used recent versions of Elements though (I last used version 3) so I can't compare directly to that.
But, if you can share what slideshow features you find are missing in Elements, I can help you understand if ProShow Gold would offer you those.
Alternatively, you can check out the Photodex feature comparison chart yourself and see the depth of features it has.
I started making slideshows with Elements 3 several years ago, wanted more control and features so I got Adobe Premiere Elements and thought that was a horrible product for what I needed. I then briefly used iPhoto, iMovie and iDVD which worked fine, but was missing features I wanted and finally settled on ProShow Gold as the best solution for my needs.
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