Whoo hoo....20D ordered!!!
I'm very excited! I just ordered my new Canon 20D:clap . Comes with the kit lens and I will also be getting a Canon 28/135 IS lens and a battery grip. I already have my 75/300 IS lens and a 420EX flash (which hopefully when I get the money I can upgrade). Boy, is this ever addictive! I've upgraded cameras 3 times in the past year and a half. Hopefully this one will make me happy and I can keep it for a while. Now...the question of the day...what do you do for the 3-4 days shipping time to keep from going comepletely INSANE:huh ????
A very excited me!
A very excited me!
A single photograph can tell an entire story and bring back a multitude of memories.
A single photograph can tell an entire story and bring back a multitude of memories.
I'm so excited!!
A single photograph can tell an entire story and bring back a multitude of memories.
Mine should be here tomorrow
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Photographer and Mom of Four!
i went to the local camera store here in brea and held the 20d yesterday. the kid working the counter gave me 3 canon ad books to bring home to my wife. let the propaganda begin!!
have a great time with your new camera and congrats!!
You folks are right to be so excited
I can't wait to see your pics and read your thoughts once you start shooting with the new cameras
Oh boy, it's like Christmas in March......lol
You guys have fun when you get yours! I know you will
A single photograph can tell an entire story and bring back a multitude of memories.
Why am I not that excited? I was over the Rebel. I got the 20D the first part of February and then got lenses here and there, as I got rid of my old. Now I am chewing over whether it is worth it to spend a fortune on a backpack.
I love how that camera fires. I mean, for the most part, I say fire, it says "yes mam". But then I expected it to with all the money I had to lay out.
I am not jealous that you all got the 20D, I have had it for 1 1/2 months. I am jealous that you are finding such joy in it.
Maybe if I could get it in the case without breaking my back...........or is that an excuse, lol. (It is not the camera breaking my back it is the lenses)
It is a good camera.
got a little surprise from the wife today....ordered 20d!!!!!!
sounds like she was tired of my whining
now the waiting game...
I guess you'll find out! New sofa...new car...new cat....
Congrats to all... Looks like I get to order mine on Monday. I cannot wait. Where did you guys/girls order from? Hard to find a good trustworthy place but the internet prices are much better than here local in St. Louis, Missouri.
I think I'm going to order from PCNation.com, however, before I do I'll call and talk to order instead of ordering on a web page. I think they offer overnight shipping for $30 and for the difference I'm saving from buying local I'll surley pay the 30 bucks so I don't have to sit around and drull for days....
Can anyone give me any feedback on the default 18-55 lens that comes in the kit??
whatever it is, she deserves it
now to offload the d rebel...hoping to avoid flea bay...