SmugMungous! Bulk watermarking bug?

I just went into one of my old passworded galleries and selected SmugMungous! Bulk to create the new larger images for my family to view. I've never had watermarking on in this gallery. When it was done creating the new XL images, I discovered all of the new images have the SmugMug "Proof" watermark plastered across them. I double checked the gallery settings and it still says Watermarking: No.
I'm guessing the SmugMungous! Bulk is forgetting to check the Watermarking option and is just watermarking all images.
I'm guessing the SmugMungous! Bulk is forgetting to check the Watermarking option and is just watermarking all images.
customize gallery, that's the one that will be applied.
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Try it again, triple checking the gallery customizing settings for watermarking, and let me know.
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I just tested on another gallery. I have confirmed watermarking is turned off under customize gallery. Next I use the SmugMungous! Bulk tool, select all images and select Go. It tells me my Xlarges are being created. A few minutes later and I check my previously unwatermarked images are now watermarked. Going back into customize gallery and watermarking is still turned off.
Oh, I think I understand now. The SmugMungous! Bulk tool is just the Watermarking tool rebranded. If I want the "SmugMungous" sizes without watermarking I should just use the standard watermarking tool, select all images in the gallery, select remove watermark and submit. This will create the SmugMungous but without the watermark.
I would suggest a huge disclaimer on the SmugMungous! Bulk tool page to say the tool will watermark the images, even when watermarking is turned off.
Just saw your reply Andy. Go ahead and use this gallery.
1) Confirm Watermarking is set to No in customize gallery
2) Confirm images are not currently watermarked
3) Use the SmugMungous! Bulk tool and select all images
4) Wait a minute or so (not many images there), look at the new images
5) Check customize gallery to make sure watermarking is still off.
6) Go into Watermarking off the photo tools menu and remove watermarks from all images.
This isn't true
Bill, please standby, we will again try and replicate.
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I'll ask Ivar to further investigate, he'll be back within 24 hours, Bill.
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I too can not replicate this. I've tried an account with custom watermarks, and one without, both did not give me a watermark on the SmugMungous (bulk) tool use.
Can you give me a link to a specific photo that showed the watermark after using the bulk tool? You can PM me if it is a private/passworded photo.
Sorry for the hassle. & smugmug
You can try any of the galleries in
I purposely have not updated those images with the new sizes so you can use them for testing. None should have watermarks and all are password protected galleries.
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage
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Sorry Andy, I just attribute to Smugs sometime quirky behavior and have not really paid attention to what my settings are when it happens. I'll try another gallery and see what happens.
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage
Customization Page: Watermarking = no
Ran Smugmungous and here is the result :
I can't tell you what is going on but that IS what is happening.
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage
Any update on this? I haven't tried since and I've left those galleries alone for your testing...
I had a look into it and noticed that it's not related to the SmugMungous tool. In fact, the photos have a watermark, but you can't see it. The watermarking parameter on the photos is set. If you rotate any photo, it'll get a watermark as well.
Furthermore, you can choose any other watermark from the customize gallery settings and it'll use this one. It works as intended.
The question is how did you get an invisible watermark on these galleries. Did you recently create or delete any watermarks?
Have a great weekend,
SmugMug Support Hero
And while the customized gallery setting have watermarking on for a custom watermark, nothing shows up.
I can't seem to watermark my latest proof galleries, such as
but it did not work loading photos here, and the watermark option is not available in the photo tools menu:
The broken one was private, but I still have no watermarking option even if I temporarily make it public.
What makes the watermarking option disappear from the photo tools menu? Any advice?
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Who reads the last line of instructions anyway. So now I need to know how to add 1 pixel to the width of each image... (just kidding, of course!)
Thanks for the clarification, Andy.
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage
Hey Sebastian,
I haven't uploaded any invisible watermarks.
Trying to comprehend what you are saying here. Basically I think you are saying there is a watermarking parameter on each individual photo and SmugMungous/rotate/etc use this parameter instead of the gallery watermarking setting to decide if a photo should be watermarked.
I guess my question now is, how do I as a customer change the individual photo watermarking parameter so that it is not set, and how do I confirm if it is set or not?
make sure the correct watermark is selected under customize gallery. The one
listed there will be applied.
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I'm not sure on how the watermark parameter got flagged on your galleries and I couldn't reproduce it on any of my galleries. Seems like you have run into a very rare bug and I apologize for the inconvenience.
The only way you can determine if watermark is flagged for an image is to perform some kind of action that makes us reprocess the image, like rotating or performing SmugMungous! on it. I see that there's no use in that.
The best way to deal with that is like you have all ready figured out to use the watermarking to on all images in a gallery and choose to remove the watermark. This will reprocess them all, remove the invisible watermark and update them for SmugMungous sizes.
I hope this works out for you. I wish I had some more insight on what's the problem here.
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Yes, I do that. I even make sure create watermark is set to OFF yet I still get either get PROOF across my images or my custom watermark vertically in the center. BTW I have not set up any watermarks that should run vertically in the center. Do not know where in the hell that came from.
Also just noticed Smugwide seems to messed up now!
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage
Hope this works for you.
SmugMug Support Hero
Sounds like a great workaround. Since you have to wind up redoing the watermarks anyway.
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage