Blurb giving SmugMuggers 500 Free books!!

Hi Everyone,
To start off our new partnership with Blurb, they are giving SmugMug customers 500 coupon codes for a free book! :barb
To get your coupon code, go and download the Blurb software and create an account from this page: The coupon code will come in an automated response email after you register.
Once you get the coupon, you are golden. However, you must purchase the book by Nov 20, 2007.
** Coupon code is valued at $29.95
** Only 1 coupon code per SmugMug customer
** If you have problems getting the coupon code, please post here, I'll get you sorted out
To start off our new partnership with Blurb, they are giving SmugMug customers 500 coupon codes for a free book! :barb
To get your coupon code, go and download the Blurb software and create an account from this page: The coupon code will come in an automated response email after you register.
Once you get the coupon, you are golden. However, you must purchase the book by Nov 20, 2007.
** Coupon code is valued at $29.95
** Only 1 coupon code per SmugMug customer
** If you have problems getting the coupon code, please post here, I'll get you sorted out

Markham Bennett
I've got my coupon code, now to figure out what photos to make into a book.
I'm in no way affiliated with blurb, but I did order a book a while ago. It arrived fast (within a week of ordering it). The print quality was what I'd expect for a book-- not fine art portfolio but plenty good enough for a quick look-see book.
So for what it's worth, even if you miss out on this deal, a regular, non-discounted blurb book is still a bargain.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
It's right on the linked page: "Already a Blurbarian and on SmugMug? Even if you’ve already downloaded BookSmart, we’ll still include you in the book love. Email us your Blurb and SmugMug usernames and we’ll send you a promotion code for a free book."
I signed up for blurb when I saw your post, created an account (from, and downloaded the software.
I received an email at 7:15PM EST that was a confirmation.
I receved a second email at 7:33PM EST that was a welcome to blurb.
Neither email included a coupon code.
blurb login is deniseG.
Thanks for your help.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I'm just another user but I can say that those two emails are standard, everybody gets those right after set up, or at least I got those two a few months ago after signup. I would not be concerned yet. I'll bet there will be a separate email specific to the promotion still to come. (I'm waiting for mine.) If it requires human intervention from the Blurb home office, well, they have probably all gone home at this hour.
password and it works.
My Website index | My Blog
If you didn't get your coupon code, email Blurb for it. If you don't hear back from them in 4 hours, please PM me and I will get you a code.
Here is the order I received my e-mails in (all PST):
4:27PM Special Offer: Make a free book with Blurb! (the coupon code)
4:28PM Confirm your Blurb Account
4:34PM Welcome to Blurb
Maybe check your spam folder for the coupon code?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks for the PM Denise. I just PM'd you one
They are only giving away 500 codes. Anyone who gets a code is guaranteed to get a free $29.95.
Remember it is only good until Nov 20th.
PM sent.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
They gave out 500 codes already but are giving out free shipping for the smug muggers who didn't get one good until 12/31
blog -
I sent mine info in yesterday morning, no response. Are we supposed to get a code for the free shipping?
Guess I was lucky... Now to hurry up and re-layout my other pages or create new ones. I think this will be my month of making photo books:D
Thanks SmugMug and Blurb!
Just PM me your nickname and blurb login, I have some extra Free Book codes left. I can hook anyone up that didn't get one.
I have a few left and will distribute.
I have been handing out a bunch of codes yesterday and today.
I still have some left, please PM me if you have not received yours!
UPDATE: It did work for me the next day. Weird. it did not work at all on the 19th and I tried all day. On the 20th I gave it another shot and it worked just fine.
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage
Yes, ridiculously slow for me too and I don't really think my computer is that slow. (1.7MHz Pentium M w/ 1.0GB RAM).
It's gotta be Java. I don't think it was meant for this kind of image/graphic manipulation.
Anyways, I just *finally* finished a 21-page book. What an ordeal. About a week ago I had a free code for a Shutterfly book (an incentive for migrating over my 2 photos from the soon-to-close Sony Imagestation).
So I culled through a years' worth of photos down to 200 "good ones", and then had to deal with uploading the ones I wanted to Shutterfly. Yes, that was a pain (the Shutterfly uploader actually kept dying, so I ended up uploading to Phanfare and then having *them* transfer to Shutterfly. Ridiculous.)
BUT... once the photos were there, the web application was nice and snappy (UNLIKE Blurb), and while it sucked not being able to drag-and-drop photos, there seemed to be more layouts friendly to simply photo books (no captions or text), again, unlike Blurb.
But I won't gripe about layouts. That's all personal style and how much the book company wants to "help" users make pretty books.
What I will gripe about is how horrible the BookSmart app was. I must've wasted an hour because clicks did not register. Clicks like highlighting a photo so I could adjust the crop. Clicks to select a page to change the layout. Clicks to move to the next page. It was really really frustrating, and if I wasn't getting a book for free (and what's with UPS shipping only? What's wrong with ye olde USPS?), I wouldn't have trudged through.
Heck, at a certain point it didn't even feel worth it for a free book.
But I do want to see the quality. The Shutterfly book I got (which came wicked fast via First Class US Mail like 2 days later in great shape) was nice, although upon a close examination of the binding you could see that it was nicely printed sheets but they were all glued to a center spine. It wasn't a fancy bound book. But hey, it's $30. That's not too bad. (And I wonder if Blurb is any different. I realize now that they're doing dustcovers so that they avoid the problem of printing covers. Shutterfly gets around this by using covers w/ cut-out "peek-a-boo" holes, which actually is a nice effect for photo books.
But even if Blurb's print quality is way better, for the purposes of Christmas gifts to my son's grandmothers, I really don't care. I want it to be fast, and I want it to be easy. Despite the upload and picture picking pains, Shutterfly was both fast and easy.
If they live up to the hype, I'm sure the Blurb book quality will be great. And this might be good for Pros that want to sell books.
But if I was a Pro, I would *hate* the extra time and frustration it takes to use just use this app. As Elysium states, compared to Photoshop, this thing is a slug. And it would drive me *mad* trying to deal with this on a regular basis.
I can't imaging trying to "lay out" a real book with text and such into the tool. Maybe the automatic importer would be the way to go there.
But man, most Pros probably have InDesign with their Adobe Creative Suite. Lay it out there and print it at or something. Hey, you can get an ISBN number from them too. And they can do casewrap (images are actually bound to the cover, as opposed to a dust-jacket) bindings. Nice! :-}