Accessory Kits. What's the "deal"?
Following up on this thread. Ziggy wrote:
"You could do nicely with the FZ50 and an external flash ( DMW-FL500) and the wide-angle accessory lens ( DMW-LW55). Used at ISO 100-200 the FZ50 gives very nice results."
I had been looking at wide angle accessory lens because it would be something very usefull for the pics I'm interested in. I had seen this kit and thought it would be a perfect purchase for me.
Then I looked up the specific model that Ziggy reccommended: DMW-LW55
BIG difference in price and that's only for that lens.
So what gives?
I imagine that the cheap kit is a knockoff.
What's the difference for an amateur?
"You could do nicely with the FZ50 and an external flash ( DMW-FL500) and the wide-angle accessory lens ( DMW-LW55). Used at ISO 100-200 the FZ50 gives very nice results."
I had been looking at wide angle accessory lens because it would be something very usefull for the pics I'm interested in. I had seen this kit and thought it would be a perfect purchase for me.
Then I looked up the specific model that Ziggy reccommended: DMW-LW55
BIG difference in price and that's only for that lens.
So what gives?
I imagine that the cheap kit is a knockoff.
What's the difference for an amateur?
When you look at the expensive price for the add-on accessories, just remember how much we saved by not going DSLR.
Since you're paying the money for great optics on the FZ50, don't put crappy glass on top of it for pictures that will matter to you. Yes it's expensive to buy the good WA lens, but at least you aren't spending $600-$1000 per lens on a kit that needs 3-4!
Everything in that Amazon kit is junk - total junk.
I bought some really cheap 3rd party batteries for mine (the only accessory I'll go cheap on) because I could get 3 of them for the price of 1 Panasonic battery. Turns out that was about right. I get 1/3 of the life from those batteries as the OEM.
By the way - did you check the price on the flash? That's what I really want, more than the WA lens, but it's $500!!!
There are lots of good accessory lens and adapter reviews at
Other positive to adapters is the ability to use filters. The one for my S5 takes standard 58mm filters, so I can use polarized, UV, or neutral density filters on it to achieve desired results.
I figured that was the case.
I found this info on wide anlge lens converters.
Looks like I've got some homework to do.
Yep, like with cameras, lots of options here. I've heard good things about this one: Olympus WCON-07 0.7X.
I used that site to do homework on my teleconverter (I am the opposite of you - need more distance...) I figured the Panasonic product was a rebadged Olympus so I bought the Oly Tcon-17 and I am thrilled with it. Any glass you stick on the front will take just a little away from IQ so it will require just a little more post-processing. The teleconverter I bought is rugged, clear, and matches well with my camera.
- Mike
IR Modified Sony F717
BH had a used one that I picked up for $75 shipped.
The best part is no corner shadows at full wide!!! (I can't wait till I can get out of here and actually take pictures of something enjoyable rather than the parking lot.)