Panorama question, selling soon?
Hi, I have had two requests for panoramas and am finally going to upgrade to Pro hopefully today. To start, I was just going to start with one album of my favorites to sell. I have the lg. prints ready.
But two people wanted panoramas, and I was wondering how you guys print them or should I handle that separately? Do you crop a pano that has white trim with Title below it? Thnx for your help!
IE here:
But two people wanted panoramas, and I was wondering how you guys print them or should I handle that separately? Do you crop a pano that has white trim with Title below it? Thnx for your help!
IE here:

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OK I think this would work for two on one page. I will try one at home first smaller. Not sure it'd look that great larger than 10x24 anyway. Sharp at that size. So I'll figure this out. Would it be centered if it was ordered one to a page? Someone might want more white around it.??
Andy, one more question if you don't mind. I calibrated my new monitor with SpyderII and like it. But since I downloaded all the pckg software with my 40D including DPP, my printer is darker and more red in it. [Canon pro9000 13x19]. Where do I associate it back to what colors it recognized before which I believe it was the printer rather than PP program? thnx