help fix this!
Ok so I finally got it figured out...(and a smugmug account)...LOL
The flash didnt go off for some reason and i got this instead. I think it would be a really special pic for the bride if anybody has any ideas on how to photoshop it. Any ideas on how to fix the really bright door behind her arms and maybe even complete the arms ....

also i have a pic of her "practice throw" might help with the arms.

cropped it just to see if that would be cool...its ok...

Any Ideas? I was just a relative with a camera.....
The flash didnt go off for some reason and i got this instead. I think it would be a really special pic for the bride if anybody has any ideas on how to photoshop it. Any ideas on how to fix the really bright door behind her arms and maybe even complete the arms ....

also i have a pic of her "practice throw" might help with the arms.

cropped it just to see if that would be cool...its ok...

Any Ideas? I was just a relative with a camera.....
40D,Rebel XT,Tamron 17-50 2.8,Tamron 28-80 3.5-5.6, Canon 50 1.8, Sigma 70-200 2.8, Canon 580EX , Sunpack 383 w/ optical slave
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
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Not sure if this is what you were talking about. This was done in about 20 mins using the two images to create the composite together with motion and gaussian blur just to see if it's on the right track. If it is I'm happy to try and create a better version.
Original image
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