Vest with Photographer written on it - where?

I have my first 'official' road race to photograph soon and I would like to wear a hirez vest which has photographer writen on the back. Any ideas?
Appreciate any feedback.
I have my first 'official' road race to photograph soon and I would like to wear a hirez vest which has photographer writen on the back. Any ideas?
Appreciate any feedback.
Most road races I have been to issue them to official, registered photographers, as part of their credentials.
edit...I mean CAR road you may mean some other kind...
I just picked one up from and I am going to my local printshop
ps: also, I am sure they will get the idea that you are a photographer once you point your big camera and big lens at something? you may want to put "official photographer" or something.
Glass: Sigma 70-200 f2.8 | Sigma 20 f1.8 | Canon 28-135 f3.5-5.6 IS USM
Thanks - I 'think' I had come to the self-help conclusion.
And, yes, ever since I moved up to a big white lens that kinda says it all.
RI Photographer | RI Wedding Photographer
Glass: Sigma 70-200 f2.8 | Sigma 20 f1.8 | Canon 28-135 f3.5-5.6 IS USM
But I would have it done as a patch or something. That way you could unsew it if need be. And you could put it on a white background.
Oooh, yes, the velcro is my favourite so far, attack a velcro base to it, and then you can have multiple ones to swap between, like "Photographer" and when you're making more money "Fotografo", and maybe some bomb technician ones for fun
OK. Just kidding.
Why not just go for the hi viz vest and leave it at that?
The credentials which are issued at many events are often laminated cards on neckchains or with clip on tabs.
I have seen a non-credentialed photographer at a Hydroplane Race allowed in many restricted areas. He was wearing a blue jump suit with his name embroidered over his left pocket and "Photographer" embroidered in large letters across the back of the suit.
It might have been even more impressive if he had reflective tape on the jumpsuit.
A Magnum 44 is way cheaper then that.
And I get deeper and deeper
The more I see the more I fall no place to hide
You better take the call I get deeper and deeper...The Fixx
I would rather have a vest that says Media vs Photographer