
Outdoor Roller Hockey tips needed

phorbin1128phorbin1128 Registered Users Posts: 79 Big grins
edited November 9, 2007 in Technique
I'll be using Rebel XT with Sigma 24-70

Anyone see any issues with this combo for an outdoor roller hockey game? I should be able to sit in the penalty box, so I should be pretty close...

any camera settings for this would be appreciated as well




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    aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2007
    I think shooting outdoors roller hockey is not much different than shooting other quickly moving outdoor sports (i.e. soccer, football, and basketball during the day). Your equipment is sufficient, but you will find yourself longing for something with more reach.

    My only advice is to watch the position of the sun/shadows, especially since you’re locked into one location (the sin bin). The only hint that I can give is for you to check your histograms and recheck again when conditions change.

    As for exposure... . It depends on the sun and the time of day. I guess start with the sunny 16 and adjust from there. There isn’t one magic exposure setting.

    Have fun.
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