Juried Exhibition Dilemna

Skippy/mods - I couldn't figure out whether this was an appropriate forum or not but I figured since they're all IR it would be a good place to start. Please feel free to move to a more appropriate forum if necessary and accept my apologies for being a little slow :crazy .
I'm getting some images together to submit for a juried photo exhibition, for which I can submit up to 3 images. I've got the first 2 (#3 and #4) but I'm stuck on the last one. I'm having trouble deciding on these 2 (#1 & #2), with my thoughts for each. C&C would be most welcome.
I'm leaning toward this one because I think it's better compositionally. While it seems to work together with #3 and #4 below I don't think the subject matter, the structure, is as obvious in this one as it is in the others.

I like this one because the structure is closer to the ones in #3 and #4 but I think it's lacking in composition. It's got the power lines and the tree is being cutoff at the top.


I'm getting some images together to submit for a juried photo exhibition, for which I can submit up to 3 images. I've got the first 2 (#3 and #4) but I'm stuck on the last one. I'm having trouble deciding on these 2 (#1 & #2), with my thoughts for each. C&C would be most welcome.
I'm leaning toward this one because I think it's better compositionally. While it seems to work together with #3 and #4 below I don't think the subject matter, the structure, is as obvious in this one as it is in the others.

I like this one because the structure is closer to the ones in #3 and #4 but I think it's lacking in composition. It's got the power lines and the tree is being cutoff at the top.



Hi there, why don't you just clone out the power lines in the second shot??
and you can fix the tree with cloning too
I'm more inclined to go with the first three images rather than the last one.
You have a nice set with these, it will be interesting to see what others think........good luck with your choices
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Link to my Smugmug site
Yeah, that's why I wasn't too worried about them but I always remember Nikolai's comments regarding the challenges and minimal PP. I'll play around with it and post a revised version.
Hadn't thought of that but that's what I get for staring at them all too long. Plus it's always good to have another set of eyes on them for the different perspective.
Thanks much
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No worries Joel. I get that all the time and it doesn't bother me in the least. Makes me strive to have much better photos as a result
And thanks! #3 was one of those "maybe" kind of shots that I wasn't too sure about when I took it but it jumped out at me once I processed it.
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How's this?
Now I like it much better. Very much leaning toward this one. Now if it can pass the print test :twitch
Thanks Skippy!
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Woo Hoo!
I got 2 of the 3 I submitted accepted.
I submitted 3, 4 and a modified version of #2.
#2 and #3 were accepted.
Probably should have gone with #1 instead of #4, like Skippy suggested, but I'll be happy with what they did accept.
BTW - the show, Simply Photography, is at the Artworks Gallery in Richmond VA and opens Nov 23rd.
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