"maximizing findability" questions

I have read the tips provided by Andy about this, but am unclear on a couple of things.
How do I put descriptive info in my bio box when it is being used for a slide show? What differentiates the meta name from the content? You have "description" and "blah blah blah" as the examples, and I'm not sure what you mean. (Forgive me for not being a software programmer.)
How do I put descriptive info in my bio box when it is being used for a slide show? What differentiates the meta name from the content? You have "description" and "blah blah blah" as the examples, and I'm not sure what you mean. (Forgive me for not being a software programmer.)
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
For example, in CSS:
Then in your bio, use that div (remove the *):
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
The site is www.fireflowerphoto.com
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Now, here's what I changed my bio to:
<div id="myBio">
Fireflower Photography - your source for beautiful scenic, floral, and digital fine art photographic prints.
And this is what's coming up on Google after I've made changes:
Fireflower Photography - powered by SmugMug [SIZE=-1]Welcome to the Fireflower Photography website! ... Fireflower Photography's home. your bio. Welcome to the Fireflower Photography website! ...
www.fireflowerphoto.com/ - 16k <nobr>Cached - Similar pages
How do I get them to match?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Is it always going to come up with "Powered by SmugMug"? Can that be changed?
We have this info from Denise:
"For example, in CSS:
Then in your bio, use that div (remove the *):
So, do I still add this to the bio box?:
****** name="description" content="blah blah blah blah" />
Please help....what exactly goes where? and how?
So in your css, add
Then, in your bio, you need to add your descriptive text. I would add it before your slide show code.
When you add it, add it like this (but again, don't include the ***, I included that to stop the forum software from messing with the code):
<***div id="myBio">
put your description here. For example...
I'm a freelance photographer located in Columbus, Ohio. My passion for photography started at a young age after several trips to a local Arts Festival. I would spend hours going from booth to booth viewing all the wonderful pictures. From that point, I knew I wanted to be the person behind the camera.
Make sure to includes words in your description that you want to be picked up by search engines.
You don't add anything that looks like what you pasted in, the name="description" content="blah blah blah". That is actually generated by the the description you put in the bio box (in the div I mentioned above).
Does this make it any clearer?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
awesome. I think I'm geting close...
what do you mea by this: "You don't add anything that looks like what you pasted in, the name="description" content="blah blah blah". That is actually generated by the the description you put in the bio box (in the div I mentioned above)."
just looking for a tad more clerification with what yu mea here.
I was just commenting on this from your previous post:
****** name="description" content="blah blah blah blah" />
What goes in your bio is your own description (inside the html tags I mentioned in my last post) followed by the parameters for your slideshow. For example, in your bio, assuming that you use the #myBio CSS that I suggested above, you would have (remember to remove the *** in the reference to the div):
I'm a freelance photographer located in Columbus, Ohio.
.... continue with descriptive keyword-type info....
var oParams = new Object;
oParams.AlbumID = "3832150";
oParams.newWindow = 'false';
oParams.transparent = "true";
oParams.showLogo = "false";
oParams.showThumbs = "false";
oParams.showButtons = 'false';
oParams.crossFadeSpeed = '350';
oParams.borderThickness = '19';
oParams.borderColor = '000000';
createSWF(600,600, oParams, "transparent");" />
That is, everything that you place in your bio will end up within this tag; <meta name="description" content="your bio content will be here!"- even though you didn't code the <***meta name="description" content="...
Clearer? Or still confusing?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Yes, much clearer...I think I have it. If any questions pop up...I'm sure to post:D
Thank you SO very much. The Dgrin forum ROCKS! So many nice folks willing to help with so many different skill sets.
Thanks again!
Well, I thougth I had it.....:bluduh
I entered this in my CSS:
I entered his in my bio:
<div id="myBio">
Photographer servicing Columbus and Central Ohio. Specializing in portraits of children, newborn, pets, family, high school senior, and engagement. Also an event and sports photographer.
After doing so, my slide show disappeared. What did I do wrong?????
So (remove the ***):
<***div id ="myBio">
your bio info here
Put your slideshow code after the end of the div
I suspect that you had the slideshow parameters inside the div. You only want to hide your bio info...
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Still not working. Here is the code for my bio (I have the *** removed in the actual code)
<* (here is says script)
<***div id = "myBioInfo">
Photographer servicing Columbus and Central Ohio. Specializing in portraits of children, newborn, pets, family, high school senior, and engagement. Also an event and sports photographer.
var oParams = new Object;
oParams.AlbumID = "3832150";
oParams.newWindow = 'false';
oParams.transparent = "true";
oParams.showLogo = "false";
oParams.showThumbs = "false";
oParams.showButtons = 'false';
oParams.crossFadeSpeed = '350';
oParams.borderThickness = '19';
oParams.borderColor = '000000';
createSWF(600,600, oParams, "transparent");
and this is in my CSS:
/* hides meta info in bio */
#myBio {display: none;}
what am I doing wrong?
I think I have it. in my CSS I added "info". So my code now reads:
#myBioInfo {display: none;}
and I have it coded in my CSS as:
<***div id = "myBioInfo">
Photographer servicing Columbus and Central Ohio. Specializing in portraits of children, newborn, pets, family, high school senior, and engagement. Also an event and sports photographer.
<(here is the word script)
var oParams = new Object;
you mind taking a look at my source code to see if it looks okay?
Thank you again,
Now my slide show wont work.....<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/headscratch.gif" border="0" alt="" >
so, I tried removing the following from my bio:
<***div id = "myBioInfo">
Photographer servicing Columbus and Central Ohio. Specializing in portraits of children, newborn, pets, family, high school senior, and engagement. Also an event and sports photographer.
and this from my CSS:
#myBioInfo {display: none;}
Slide show still not working. Any ideas?
Well, I guess there was a glitch with my browser. I closed it and re-opened. The slide show magically appeared. So, would you mind taking a lok at my meta code to see if it looks okay?
Looks good to me. And for future reference, if you want to look at your code you can do a "view source" in your browser (at least in IE and in Firefox, I assume that Safari has the same capability). The description shows close to the top of the source.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com