Major News/Hint regarding a 'Pro' level Sony camera???
Hello All,
This may be some Major News/Hint regarding a 'Pro' level Sony camera.
On a previous post I reported the following:
......On SonyStyle......Digital Cameras... "directly under the category name 'Cyber-Shot
Enthusiats' Sony writes "Our most powerful cameras'.
This would mean they leveled off in their product line
and no F-828 replacement nor Dslr is in the works. "
My report was only a couple of days ago.
Today I checked out Sonystyle and when you now click on their Tab labled 'Digital Cameras'
you see the following:
"Cyber-shot - Enthusiast
Powerful cameras with advanced optics and controls. "
They removed the 'Our most powerful cameras' statement. Replacing it with 'Powerful cameras...'
I read this as a clear indication that they corrected their language to have a proper place for a camera that will be more than an 'Enthusiast' camera.
I find this quite interesting and promising.
What is your take on this?
Regards, Nicholas
This may be some Major News/Hint regarding a 'Pro' level Sony camera.
On a previous post I reported the following:
......On SonyStyle......Digital Cameras... "directly under the category name 'Cyber-Shot
Enthusiats' Sony writes "Our most powerful cameras'.
This would mean they leveled off in their product line
and no F-828 replacement nor Dslr is in the works. "
My report was only a couple of days ago.
Today I checked out Sonystyle and when you now click on their Tab labled 'Digital Cameras'
you see the following:
"Cyber-shot - Enthusiast
Powerful cameras with advanced optics and controls. "
They removed the 'Our most powerful cameras' statement. Replacing it with 'Powerful cameras...'
I read this as a clear indication that they corrected their language to have a proper place for a camera that will be more than an 'Enthusiast' camera.
I find this quite interesting and promising.
What is your take on this?
Regards, Nicholas
You didn't, by any chance, analayze Pravda for the CIA during the Cold War, did you?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Oh well....wait and see I guess.
Speak with sweet words, for you never know when you may have to eat them....
I think you're reading waaaaay too much into their changes. More than likely, they're just exiting the high end. 939? DSLR? They would be nuts to try this again.
Nick, as much as I too, had hoped for more advanced product out of Sony, much has transpired over the past 18 months. We all know this, but let's take a reality check...
• The D'Rebel cams have outsold the F-series by such a huge margin, knocking the 828 off the shelves permanantly at hundreds of stores. The full features of this catagory of DSLR is a real tough nut for a company like Sony to break into, much less sell for a profit.
• Not much happening in other 8+MPXL consumer cams (the 2/3" sensor variety) by anybody else, either. They are all hurting due to cheap(er) DSLR's on the market.
• Not much excitement in the 4/3'rds arena either. Ask a camera store owner how they're selling. I have. They laugh when the question comes up. Not officially a disaster just yet, but I think that Panasonic and the others (including Sony) are on the sidelines to see if Olympus can make anything of this odd catagory. If the size/weight form-factor is any indication, not to mention the costs of their systems vs. the new 350D, then it looks real dim for 4/3'rds.
• Sony has been concentrating ever more on their $200-$450 level regular consumer silver photo bricks.
• Sony has had a terrible time making money on electronic goods of recent months. They'll be looking to cut models and SKU's out of their lineups, and firm up the product catagories that are making money. The 828, as good as it was in its day, I just can't imagine it was a money-maker for them. This kind of sliding-down record doesn't bode well for continuous F-model or more upscale camera production dollars (or yen).
• New Sony CEO just announced. Changes ahead. Profit will be his battle cry.
• Increased consolidation within the industry, which was driven by overproduction of consumer cams in the past few years. You'll see more and more companies bow gracefully out of this cut-throat market in short order.
• Canon is on a roll. Sony isn't.
• The 828 has hurt them as much as helped them. They proved that they were almost up to the high-end game, but it got panned by so many reviewers, that Sony's reputation was seriously bruised.
• Joe Camera Store owner is not going to carry any Sony high-end cameras again. When the 8's are moved out of their inventories, that's it. If Best Buy, Comp USA, and the rest of the big stores are down on Sony >$600 cams, then I really seriously doubt their buyers are going to shovel big money towards Sony high-end cams again; the D'Rebs are catagory killers.
If the STF forum at DPReview is any indication, their biggest supporters have all about jumped off the ship. They're got their Canons and Nikons now. And they are here showing off their D70's and 20D shots! Pretty difficult to win them back at this point.
And if you think me as anti-Sony, I'm not. I shoot with one right now. I've had several. I'd be proud to own a used 828 for its macro and IR shot capability, along with toting a 20D, which I have already saved up to purchase.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
listen to david
99 posts? holy moly, yer startin' to monopolize things here, you better quiet down.....
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As a Sony F-828 user, it is the best camera I have ever used. Film or Digital.
This is based on all the moments that I have been able to capture with my F-828 since I bought it in Dember 2003. These moments would not have been captured by my D30, D60, Mamiya 645, Bronica SQ, etc.
Only the Olympus 8mp was rated higher than the F-828 on DPreview, but it has focusing issues. So does the Canon and Nikon 8 mp cameras.
No camera I have ever used focuses as surely as the F-828.
If you can not be sure on focusing, you aren't holding a camera, IMHO.
The F-828 is far from perfect but is a highly productive as a photographic tool.
Luminous Landscape favorably compares the lens on the F-828 with Canon Pro 'L' lenses. Read their review.
I am just trying to set staight some comments made by non-users.
The best camera is what works for you.
My post relates to the possibility that Sony is going to announce a higher end camera than those in their 'Enthusiast' category, based on changes on their web site. (which is all we have to go on at the moment).
It will be worth watching. Glad I sparked some comments on this issue.
Regards, Nicholas
I believe Sony is bowing out of the high end. The 828 will remain their pinnacle camera for a very long time. Like David, I see the name change part of the realignment of their focus on the profit center of their camera business. Hopefully when they solve the current business crisis, they can delve back into the higher end.
Side point, as much as STF was my home, it is sliding, with Sony, into mediocrity. Major brain drain has just occurred there as many have had little recourse but to buy other cameras. And now that they have other cameras, they are no longer welcomed at STF. That is one reason I am glad dgrin is here. It's non-brand specific forums help keep the discussions about photography and also promote more inclusiveness. Even though I try to always post non camera specific posts over at STF, I still feel the resistance, and my posting frequency is dwindling to zero over there.
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
I too am posting less and less on STF these days. The malaise is not confined to STF either. The Nikon DSLR board at DPR got so bad that many of its best folks formed their own Nikon forum away from DPR. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Therefor if I'd be buying today to replace my 828, the 20D or D70 with a nice starter set of lenses would have the vote of my wallet. I just feel more confident in the Canon/Nikon solutions right now when it comes to a system to rely on yet another system (including Minolta) to take off. And knowing Sony a bit, I just know they'll add the proprietary strangeness to an almost perfect mix.