New website !

As I've just finished my new website...
I wanted to invite All of You people to have a look at my photographs :
Comments & critique wellcome
I wanted to invite All of You people to have a look at my photographs :
Comments & critique wellcome

Good job
Nicely done Antonjo
I like the way your images can be scrolled sideways with the slide bar.
Thanks for showing us your new site .... it looks Great
.... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
But speaking about techical stuff, don't You think that photographs when You enter galleries, in the main page "home", are downloading a bit too slow ?
I've figured that, someone who want to see pictures in good quality, is willing to wait, but I am a bit concerned it this matter ?
It didn't seem like the homepage downloaded too slowly, but the gallery pages did. I have a very poor DSL connection so I'm pretty patient..........especially when I know it will be worth waiting for.
The website? Sorry, doesn't do it for me. I disabled my flashblocker just for your site in hopes that maybe you've done something with flash worth seeing. Sadly I was disappointed. I don't like the scrolling film strip. It's too touchy and jerky. The slider joystick gives the appearance of being a scrollbar and confuses the user when the knob snaps back to the center. There's no indication that you're at the end of the film strip until you sit there and decide there are no more pictures there. Since the film strips are different lengths, you have no idea when that is. And the sound? Do I really need to bother people around me with unsolicited music coming from my speakers? No, that's really annoying. If you must provide sound, have it default to off, and provide a button to enable it. I could go on, but what's the point. I've panned other flash sites before and nobody ever appreciates my comments. Personally, I like a nice clean easy-to-navigate HTML based site for photography that features the images, not the website. But that's just me.
Link to my Smugmug site
Gallery of mine...caution, it's under CONSTANT construction! | Photo Journal
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
I have the time to work on it a little bit more, so each and every critique is very usefull for me.
About the music / sounds, all the music players on the website are set defaultly to be off, You have to click on it to activate the music. So it is already done ...
About the navigation in the galleries - You can do it also with the keyboard cursors, I wrote about it in the info section, but maybe it is not visible enough ? The slidebar it self is comfortable for me, but I can undestrand that it doesn't work for everyone, that's why I decided to add keyboard option..
About the speed. I am optimizin the pictures right now, so each one is max 180 Kb ...