sub-sub catagory ?
I need more ways to seperate my photo's ..... for example i have
Pima Motorsports park
But i can not seperate out my photo's more..... i would like one more level of orgiznation as to devide riders by classes........ any ideas ?:scratch
Pima Motorsports park
But i can not seperate out my photo's more..... i would like one more level of orgiznation as to devide riders by classes........ any ideas ?:scratch
Here's an example with the picture captions as links to other places.
Come visit me at...
You can also use keywords to provide the organization by rider. This can let the same gallery of photos be presented by event or by rider.
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Thats a great idea but i need simple.... my customers dont usually have the time to search ... they want to find there photo's fast and buy ....
No searching required for your users. There is a URL that uniquely identifies all the images in your galleries that match a particular keyword(s). You can preconstruct those URLs and present them to your users to click on by modifying one of your pages and adding custom HTML. You could even make it look like a sub-sub-category if you wanted where there was a thumbnail of each person and when they clicked on it they got all the images with their keyword on them in a gallery style view. I'm sure there has been much discussion of this concept before here so searching for the right thing at dgrin will probably result in some examples and further discussion of the topic.
If you don't want to customize and build it yourself, then you'll either have to double upload so you can present it both ways, redesign your gallery categorization to not need the extra level or wait until Smugmug makes virtual galleries possible without customization (I have no idea when/if that will happen). The few times I've thought I need more category levels, I've always found a way to flatten the levels a bit without any inconvenience to my viewers and, in fact, with a result that saves them clicks.
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