Question about the Hit Counter.
How does the counter really work? What do the numbers actually represent for each gallery?
I'm asking this because the numbers I'm seeing just seem too good to be true.
I just created a gallery on Sunday. Its been about 5 days now and I have 32 photos in this gallery -
Is is a local event but 40,000 over hits in 6 days just for this one gallery (looking at the detailed stat charts)?
That's an average of 6700 gallery hits a day, or 210 hits per photo a day, wow!
If I charged just 1 cent a click/hit, I could buy all the cameras on my wish list easily.
While I like to think that my photos are that popular, I can't help but also be suspicious that the figures are not a true reflection of the number of visitors.
Can someone at Smugmug please explain to me how the counter works and bring me back down to earth?
Thank you.
I'm asking this because the numbers I'm seeing just seem too good to be true.
I just created a gallery on Sunday. Its been about 5 days now and I have 32 photos in this gallery -
Is is a local event but 40,000 over hits in 6 days just for this one gallery (looking at the detailed stat charts)?
That's an average of 6700 gallery hits a day, or 210 hits per photo a day, wow!
If I charged just 1 cent a click/hit, I could buy all the cameras on my wish list easily.
While I like to think that my photos are that popular, I can't help but also be suspicious that the figures are not a true reflection of the number of visitors.
Can someone at Smugmug please explain to me how the counter works and bring me back down to earth?
Thank you.
The number of hits, always seems more than it is in real life.
Each photo (from the smallest thumb, to the Original) is counted as a 'hit', the moment it is loaded.
So, let's say you open a 'SmugMug' style page (15 thumbs on the left, 1 big on on the right) 16 hits are added. Have a gallery with 120 photos, that you open in 'all thumbs' style? 120 hits are added. And that is without even going through the photos. Also, whenever you (as account owner) are looking at the images, hits are added as well.
So, I guess what I'm saying is that I am bursting your bubble a bit, sorry. Have a look here: for more details.
If you want to get a better idea of who visits your pages, and how many photos they look at, times, etc, try adding a Statcounter or Google Analytics to a Power or Pro account
Let me know if you have any questions. & smugmug
OK, I'll definately check out those counters. Cheers!
On my site:
I like to display the count of the amount of pictures on my home page.
I get that number in the control panel/stats.
Is there a way that I can do some HTML that checks the number in the control panel/stats & automatically updates my home page?
It's been awhile & no help on the question!
I think the silence means that we don't know how to do that.
If I or anybody figures that one out, please make it public!
Happy Holidays to all at Smugmug as well as all subscribers!