PS Elements 6 or Lightroom?

tnoisawtnoisaw Registered Users Posts: 48 Big grins
edited November 16, 2007 in Digital Darkroom
What's the difference? If PSE6 will do everything Lightroom can then why pay the extra $?

I'm using PSE3 and have limitations.



  • MooreDrivenMooreDriven Registered Users Posts: 260 Major grins
    edited November 16, 2007
    I don't have PSE6, but do have PSE5 and LR. While they have similar functions by allowing you to maintain a library of your images, LR does not have the imaging editing capabilities that PSE does. LR however does a really good job of managing your library of images, doing minor adjustments, etc.

    I quit using PSE5 because I found it to be be too slow and cumbersome. LR is very quick and efficient and fits my workflow much better. But I'm not one to sit a fiddle with every pixel either.

    One recommendation would be to purchase LR, and use PSE3 for any major edits. Unless the limitations you mention are editing related.

  • kini62kini62 Registered Users Posts: 441 Major grins
    edited November 16, 2007
    Well it can't do "everything" LR can do- the RAW development is not as sophisticated nor as complicated. Good and bad there I guess.

    New in PSE 6 is the ability to do batch processing- I think even it RAW, something version 5 cannot do.

    I'm finding that as I get more and more images the browser portion of PSE is becoming a little slow and it's not that easy to find things, but I'm lazy when importing and only sory by date and I don't tag or use key words, so maybe it's mostly my fault there.

    So, if you don't need the more sophisticated RAW processing and the superior DMA of LR then get PSE6.

    In the end you'll likely need some form of PS anyway though.

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