I really like this shot except for one thing.
The light coming from the front left hand corner is too bright.
Was the candle light on its own not enough to get the shot?
If you are in a position to do this shot again, I'd try toning down that light source, and maybe consider using 2 Candles if one candle does not give you enough light.
Thanks Skippy, Yes the left side was light from a window. I was trying a large f stop with a candle. The histogram looks really good, but I see what you mean about the light being too bright. I'll work on it.
So I tried to change the light levels on the part of the basket that was lit by the window by selecting the brightest parts and then using Hue Saturation, Photo Filter, and levels layers, I tried to change the light to bring it more in line w/ the candle lite.
I also tried to fix the flare from the candle w/clone stamp. not as sucessful. see what you think.
Thanks, Jim
I am reveiwing my post am the candle seems to jump out at me. Back to the Drawing (Wacom) board!
I really like this shot except for one thing.
The light coming from the front left hand corner is too bright.
Was the candle light on its own not enough to get the shot?
If you are in a position to do this shot again, I'd try toning down that light source, and maybe consider using 2 Candles if one candle does not give you enough light.
Love that basket
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
So I tried to change the light levels on the part of the basket that was lit by the window by selecting the brightest parts and then using Hue Saturation, Photo Filter, and levels layers, I tried to change the light to bring it more in line w/ the candle lite.
I also tried to fix the flare from the candle w/clone stamp. not as sucessful. see what you think.
Thanks, Jim
I am reveiwing my post am the candle seems to jump out at me. Back to the Drawing (Wacom) board!
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