Colour profile for printing
Ok please be gentle with me - I tried to read articles on the net on colour profiles - my head is spinning.
I want to have some photos printed at a professional lab and downloaded their colour profile. I installed their file in this directory - Windows\system32\spool\drivers\color
I open up Adobe Photoshop CS3 but I cannot find the profile.
I have absolutely no experience with colour or Photoshop - & would appreciate some basic assistance or an easy to understand tutorial.
I want to have some photos printed at a professional lab and downloaded their colour profile. I installed their file in this directory - Windows\system32\spool\drivers\color
I open up Adobe Photoshop CS3 but I cannot find the profile.
I have absolutely no experience with colour or Photoshop - & would appreciate some basic assistance or an easy to understand tutorial.
Lesley, a simpler method to install is to right click the .ICM or .ICC profile and choose "Install Profile"...but it is good to know where to find your colour profiles! Some application menus that deal with profiles at the directory level may default to only showing .ICM files and you may have to toggle the file type 'filter view' to display .ICM files (either with that option or choosing 'all files').
Anyway, you will be looking for the profile, which I presume is RGB, when you are in the "Convert to Profile" dialog box. You will be converting your idealised editing space Adobe RGB, sRGB or whatever values into the photo lab's RGB output profile (obviously on a duped file). You will have to decide via a trusted preview whether perceptual intent or relative colorimetric with black point compensation renders the best result on an image by image basis (some users would also note RGB/LAB colour values as well as the visual evaluation when judging rendering intents).
If the profile does not show up in the convert to profile command:
I would try the right click install method, just to be sure (if correctly installed at the OS level it will read as uninstall profile, instead of install).
As for Photoshop.
Try restarting Photoshop, just in case it did not update.
Try restarting the OS, then Photoshop.
P.S. There is an 'internal' profile name that is displayed within say Photoshop, that may be different to the file name of the file that you manually installed in the OS colour folder - which may confuse things.
Hope this helps,
Stephen Marsh.
Thank you Stephen - I restarted Photoshop and viola there it was - many thanks for your other excellent advice.
Regards Lesley
I don't have cs3, just elements 4. When I downloaded the ICC file from Smugmug, I donwnloaded it to my desktop. Then I right clicked and used the install profile link. It does not show up anywhere in Photoshop. Will this work with elements 4?
I can't help with Elements...if I remember correctly, one can't freely use profiles like they do in Photoshop, colour is rather simplified in Elements and what one can is more restrictive.
If you right click the profile again, does it say "uninstall profile"? If it is correctly installed, then perhaps APSE looks in a special folder to profiles and not the OS (The full version references more than one location for profiles, even more so on OS X).
Try searching your drive for .icm or .icc files, you may find the other Adobe install location that way (if there is one).
If on a Mac, one can use the free ColorSync Applescripts to perform profile conversoins.
Stephen Marsh.
Thanks. It must be an Elements 4 issue. I did find the file on my hard drive along with several others. Still can't find a way to access it through elements. Thanks for your help.