Uploading with from the MAC

When I use the uploader on my MAC the transfers seem to take longer and I get a blasted e-mail for each photo that I upload instead of one for the whole batch like I do on a winbloze system, what gives?
I can't comment on the time factor. I've only uploaded using the OS-X uploader so I have no reference point. I do wish it was faster though. I don't think the Uploader is using all the bandwidth my connection has to offer.
In regards to the email, I don't get any emails on uploading. Not for each image, not for each batch. Is that an account option setting?
A former sports shooter
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The uploader has no settings option like that, so that's very curious. My experience is like Bill's. And the uploads along with the page deliveries have gotten a lot faster lately, hurrah to the bit mechanics!
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Are you talking about using the browser to upload, or smugmug uploader?
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The transfers should be identical in time. It might feel a little longer, but remember there's no long processing time afterwards like there is on the windows uploaders.
All of the "next-gen" uploaders (Mac OS X, Smugmug Explorer, etc) no longer have the concept of "batches", instead, they upload one photo at a time. It's much less error-prone. That's why you're seeing an email for each photo. I'd turn that option off.
As soon as all the uploaders are migrated to the new format, we'll stop sending emails entirely.
P.S. BTW there was a MAJOR speed differnace, on the MAC it was taking around 5+min per photo, on the IE uploader on a winblows system, on the same network it uploaded a little over 100 pics in about 15 min. On that very same mac laptop here the speed is close to a winblows system, it seems that the OSX uploader does not handle poor conections well.
Next weekend I will probably have 500 images to upload. Late March I should have about the same number. Roughly 3M per image. I would be interested in knowing faster ways to upload from my Power Book (my only computer). I currently use the OS-X Smugmug Uploader, grabbing images from iPhoto albums.
A former sports shooter
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I know it's not gonna help you in your case, but I would contemplate adding "send email after upload" feature to my smugmug explorer - provided I would understand the need for this..
I mean - you're using your laptop (apple or dell, does not matter:-), ain't it easier simply to look at the uploader window to check the progress status?
Or you're talking about sending email to somebody else (like your editor, for instance), so you can start the upload and go to bed, and it will send email 4 am Hongkong time, so your NYC (LA, Paris, etc) colleagues could start working on the shots?
I personally would be worried leaving my $2-3K worth of electronics, and, even more important, gigabytes of priceless private info sitting on the table on some internet cafe unattended, but with the replacement of the location with a locked hotel room I can dig the scenario.
Thanks again, I'll think of it..
This is odd behavior we can't seem to replicate. I could be wrong, but I'm not aware of other people seeing this behavior either. Is there anything with the configuration of your Mac that could be causing this?
So I think the best thing is to do is make sure the new code is solid rather than spending time investigating a release that will soon be obsolete.
Sorry I don't have an immediate answer.
I would agree.
A former sports shooter
Follow me at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bjurasz/
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