Can I Move Galleries From One Smuggy Site To Another?

I want to share numerous galleries with my niece who now has her own site and I have tons of photos of her son. Is there a way to copy galleries directly from one Smugmug site to another Smugmug site, or would I need to download them to her pc, using something like AlbumFetcher, and then upload to her own address?
I don't know of any way for you to move them, other than to download and upload them.
I have moved galleries from one account to another before. When I inquired about it before, the answer was to email the helpdesk and tell them which galleries (links or gallery numbers) you wanted moved from which account to which other account. That's what I did and they took care of it for me. I gather it is a bit of a manual process for them so I was led to believe it might take them a little while to get to it (1-2 days).
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In order to keep the photos in your own gallery, you can "copy" the photos to a new gallery, then ask that they move the new gallery to the other smugmug site.
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Some days we can do it for you same-day, depends on how crazy busy our heroes are.... one gallery? No biggie, we can so that real-time. Many galleries, well, that'll take longer.
Either way, our support heroes are standing by....
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Thanks! I was thinking about this last night and realized that I would need to make copies of these galleries....that, I can do!
Thanks Andy! I'll get my end 'organized' and get in touch with the support heroes!
Andy, if SmugMug does this do the captions, keywords etc get transfered too or is it just the images ? - Follow me on G+