IR Surfers
Hi all,
I've never done much sports photography but I've recently been shooting a few of my workmates who go surfing at the beach a block away from work. On friday I took out my IR converted 10D and quite like how they turned out.
Also in this gallery:

it was a busy day, there are 11 surfers in this pic:
I've never done much sports photography but I've recently been shooting a few of my workmates who go surfing at the beach a block away from work. On friday I took out my IR converted 10D and quite like how they turned out.
Also in this gallery:

it was a busy day, there are 11 surfers in this pic:

jamesOgle photography
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it." -A.Adams[/FONT]
Cool shots, by the way! #3 i my fav
Yes I modded my Canon 10D to only "see" IR. It involves taking the camera apart. Taking out the protective glass filter that's over the sensor, it blocks out UV and IR light, and replacing it with a filter of the right size that only lets through IR light. Then you don't need extra filters on your lens
Then the camera has the same sensitivity as it did before, you need to think about what you are shooting and adjust your exposure by a stop or two, grass and plants are 2 stops brighter then normal in direct sunlight, and water and the sky are 2 to 3 stops darker. Other things take some experimenting and chimping to get right.
If you are just using an IR filter on the front of your lens, you basically have one filter that blocks everything but IR and one that blocks IR inside so you have to use huge shutter lengths to get any image, also you have to take off the filter to frame and focus.