B&W Conversions in PS

These 2 were shot in colour and converted using the B&W Converter in PSCS3. I felt they were more emotive and fitted their time slot better than in colour.

I tossed up whether to remove the light switvh and towel rail but decided to leave them for perspective. Not sure I should have.

Then I came up with this version of the first shot. I am thinking I like it better than the first. Any thoughts?

I tossed up whether to remove the light switvh and towel rail but decided to leave them for perspective. Not sure I should have.

Then I came up with this version of the first shot. I am thinking I like it better than the first. Any thoughts?

Regards Ralph
Thanks again
Hi Aussieroo, looks like there is meant to be 3 images,
but I only see 2 images ... the middle image is missing
I like image 3 with the colour tone added the shot looks more "Aged" than
the B&W shot.
The images you added further down the post both look good too.
I like the B&W shot, but I also like the Brown Tone of the Rope shot too.
All the shots look great
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
I like the secon shot of the bike in the sepia"ish" but the vignetting could be a little subtler
Keith Tharp.com - Champion Photo