Could someone please tell me.......

how the point system works for the LPS. I have searched the forums for what I am looking for and nothing is there. :dunno If this has been answered already :huh I aplogize for the repost. If you could point me to the post that would be great, if not here's my question
How does the point system work and what is it based on?
It would be good to know how things are judged and how points are given heading into this final stretch.
THanks in advance for any clarification?
Congratulations to everyone on there entries, certainly made for an interesting round. Thanks for raising the bar! See you next time....
How does the point system work and what is it based on?
It would be good to know how things are judged and how points are given heading into this final stretch.
THanks in advance for any clarification?
Congratulations to everyone on there entries, certainly made for an interesting round. Thanks for raising the bar! See you next time....
Each images points are tallied up and that is how it is done... So for instance if there are 4 judges and each one chooses my shot as their number 10 pick then my image would end up with 4 points (just an example)
Hope this helps
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
So what it comes down to is individual taste, and what someone likes and or doesn't?
Shay provides guidelines for each round, and that depends on the theme of the round. But, in the end, each judge will like or dislike a photo over another. That is why there is more than 1 judge per round. If I liked something but 3 others found it not worthy then odds are it will not become a finalist for that round.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Seriously though, all the judges are volunteers of varying background, varying taste, and Shay rotates through new judges to get fresh eyes. If I had a nickel for everytime this topic comes up, I'd be a rich man. It's photography, it's art, it's subjective - we're not going to force a system on the judges who graciously volunteer their time, often agreeing not to compete in a given round. It's basic statistics, we use a 10 point ranking and multiple judges to even things out. I think you might be surprised how well this works. Very often, between 4 or 5 judges, there is almost always agreement on at least the top three photos, not in the same order, but just about everyone has a few photos in common on their lists.
As for
Like I said originally Erik, point me to the posts that asks about the point system and how each photograph is scored. I'm not knocking the contest like so many other posts have done, I was looking for a way into the judges minds and what they are looking for, but since it's about taste, that'sa a whole new ballgame. Thanks again for clarifying....