
Flash fill with spot metering

AussierooAussieroo Registered Users Posts: 234 Major grins
edited November 13, 2007 in Technique
Ever wanted to shoot out through a window and have both the bright outside and the dark inside equaly exposed? Well if you aren't sure how it is done here are a couple of samples and how it is done.




NOw if you don't know then here is the trick.

Best to use full manual mode.
Set to spot metering and use on eof the 7-9 metering spots closest to the outside part and meter on the outside.
using a flash, preferably external if it is a large area to illuminate,
set the flash to -2/3rd for the first shot and check the result. Increase or decrease the amount of flash depending on how it is exposed. If your outside meters faster than 1/250th then set your flash to High sync there by avoiding the outside being blown out.

As you can see it produces a pleasing result


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