Google pulling back header code?
I have been trying to change what comes back when a search engine finds my site. I read the wiki on SEO's and how to increase your hits, and I've also read through alot of other posts, so can someone make sure I'm up to speed here.
if I put something like this in my biobox:
"<*meta name="description" content="I like the night life, I like to boogie."
/>" (minus quotes and leading *)
it should show up in the description of my page when a search engine finds it correct? Is there a better way to do this? I read about creating a div and then hiding it, but for some reason (most likely ignorance of CSS or any scripting skills) I can't seem to get it to work, the text in my bio shows if I try the div.
Also when I do a search right now I get back some string of code for bulkzoomthumbs from the header field of my customize section. will this go away once Google gets around to seeing the biobox info, or did I somehow fail to copy paste correctly (wouldn't be the first time, won't be the last)
Any help would be appreciated,
if I put something like this in my biobox:
"<*meta name="description" content="I like the night life, I like to boogie."
/>" (minus quotes and leading *)
it should show up in the description of my page when a search engine finds it correct? Is there a better way to do this? I read about creating a div and then hiding it, but for some reason (most likely ignorance of CSS or any scripting skills) I can't seem to get it to work, the text in my bio shows if I try the div.
Also when I do a search right now I get back some string of code for bulkzoomthumbs from the header field of my customize section. will this go away once Google gets around to seeing the biobox info, or did I somehow fail to copy paste correctly (wouldn't be the first time, won't be the last)
Any help would be appreciated,
Just put descriptive words in there.
You can change your page title, on the control panel>customize page.
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Oh I wasn't implying you said to do that, I was just saying I had read alot of posts already, which game me just enough knowledge to make a mistake.
I was trying to figure out how to create a div and then hide it in CSS, but that didn't work for me. The first way I could find to have any descriptor in my biobox and not have it show on my home page was the code I posted.
I've updated my page title already, just waiting for the crawlers to pick that up to make sure it worked correctly.
Is there a section (maybe the css how to on customiztion) that details how to add a div and place text in it then hide it in CSS. I'm all for learning new things, just trying to find them.
thanks again, I'm still impressed with the support this forum gets.
<html><div id="hiddenText">This is my hidden text.</div></html>
Then add this in CSS
#hiddenText {display none;}
Could even use a color same as the bio background in case it shows momentarily.
#hiddenText {display none; color: #000;}
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Perfect. Thank you both. Hopefully I'll be done with the tinkering soon and can go back to taking pictures.