I found a bunch of negs from high school

I found a couple of boxes of negatives, mostly b&w from when I was in High School. I would love to get them onto my computer, but my scanner doesn't do film. I am considering buying a scanner, scanning them (appx 20 rolls) and selling it on eBay when I am done.
If that is my best approach I would love some scanner suggestions...
Also, if I am barking up the wrong hydrant...
If that is my best approach I would love some scanner suggestions...
Also, if I am barking up the wrong hydrant...
eBay might actually be a good place to start. If you can find one slightly used for a couple hundred bucks it might be worth it.
I've got a Nikon Coolscan V-ED and it's been great for me.
Otherwise, you might want to research some of the services that will do this for you. I believe I've seen them as low as .19 an image, Scan Cafe I think. 20 rolls of 36 images each will run $137 at that price, not including any shipping/handling.
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Thanks for the reply!
Scan Cafe looks pretty good. Do you or anyone else have any experience with them?
You're welcome!
I could have sworn there were at least a few people that had posted comments on their results from such services but I can't seem to find them quickly.
Hopefully someone will come back with a response. Otherwise do a search through the Dgrin forums for negative scanning and you should find one.
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Digital Pickle?
Is that a scanning service or my situation?
Thanks, I will check them out too.
Good idea, I will. The more I think about it the better I like the idea of NOT scanning them myself...:snore
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