Bad "hair" Day???
I am "not" a birder, repeat, I am "not" a birder. But I went to Poplar Beach again to see if I could get any hawks, or my big white bird, or the big gray bird. We left in sunshine, arrived to dense fog. Sigh! So we dropped by Burger King for a snack, and high on the wires was a hawk. I took one photo and hubby said in his infinite wisdom, "that bird will look like a pigeon." So I asked him to pull the car up so I could get a closer shot.
I'm thinking pretty hawk, wow, I see the gleem in it's eye, oh wow!
Hawk is thinking. Oh drat, can't a bird have some peace and quiet without a big black lens in it's face... can't you see I'm having a bad hair (feather) day... and it proceeded to turn its back on me! Here is photographic proof!
I'm thinking pretty hawk, wow, I see the gleem in it's eye, oh wow!
Hawk is thinking. Oh drat, can't a bird have some peace and quiet without a big black lens in it's face... can't you see I'm having a bad hair (feather) day... and it proceeded to turn its back on me! Here is photographic proof!

The captures are fine but I have to talk to you about this Burger King for lunch thing. Surely there was some place nearby with real food. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Thanks Harry! It's pretty hard to miss a bird that's posing for you in the correct direction and even holding still (until it saw me!).
I try hard to keep things low fat, so we only had the grilled chicken sandwiches, no fries, no drinks... every three months or so we go out and have a good juicy steak, the rest of the time we eat loads of healthy veggies and some chicken and salmon. I have to support hubby after his heart attack you know :-)
Palo Alto was having an open airport day, and a rescue group had a bunch of birds on display to educate the public. When I pulled up my camera, it was really odd how the birds reacted to the camera lens -- they did not like it at all and got a little skittish. The point and shoot cameras didn't seem to bother them as much though. Of course I was less than 5 feet away from them at the time.
Prey animals typically have their eyes mounted on the sides of their heads. Predators eyes are more likely to be directed toward the front. I'm guessing the camera lens looks to the subject like the worlds biggest predator assessing a snack!
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
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