Wrong angle?

I've got a Fujifilm finepix S5700 which I love and adore. I'm an amateur so its plenty for me. I've started to look at filters for it though, especially close-up/macro. My camera has got a great super macro mode, but I find it has difficulty focusing on fine objects such as spider webs and daddy long legs. So my question is, I am going about this the right way? My thinking is if I increase the manginification, then it should aide the focusing. If I'm right, does anyone have any suggestions about which filters to go for? I'm also looking at getting a polariser, wide-angle and telephoto filter. The thread on the S5700 is 46mm, but I've heard that I can get adapters to increase that.
Maybe I'm right, or maybe I'm just making a noob mistake (I've only been seriously undertaking amateur photography for about a year now, and 6 months with my camera), either way, any help would be great.
Also, is it possible to get a remote control/external shutter release for the S5700?
Maybe I'm right, or maybe I'm just making a noob mistake (I've only been seriously undertaking amateur photography for about a year now, and 6 months with my camera), either way, any help would be great.
Also, is it possible to get a remote control/external shutter release for the S5700?
contrast is required for AF to work best. So something like black on white
will likely focus very easily where your web, not so quickly.
If you have manual focus, that might work better (sorry, not familiar with your