Chal 34, ginger, comments #2

Minimalism Ginger's Way:

Pretty In Pink

Creme de Brulee

Pink and Blue

Street Scene

Pretty In Pink

Creme de Brulee

Pink and Blue

Street Scene

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
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I might as well forget about thinking about this challenge.
You have some very nice images Ginger
Cincinnati Smug Leader
you are tring to tell us something right
Thanks, I can only enter one. I am so tired I am working these by rote....... Thank you, too, Charlie Brown. I don't know yet which one I like best. I like them all, actually. I am quite pleased with my efforts. And I am staying home tomorrow.:D
Music In Blue
One Note
The Black Door
Some of these are the type photography I have always wanted to do. I guess I couldn't do it without the title of Minimalism.
Andy, thank you for coming by, too.
Thank you for the nodding heads.
Am going to rest now.
Updated June 5 2007
My vote goes for this one.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I can just see me pulling the flowers out and throwing them in the trash. Actually I photographed the flowers first, I just wander my camera, though this time I did have a purpose. Nothing was shot that I did not think was fairly minimal. I saw the door, I have always loved that door and another one around the corner. So I incorporated it into the shot with the flowers.
I think it is kind of an L shape composition..... don't quite remember. Oh, I did one with the door in the middle and windows with flowers on both sides. YOu would really hate that one.
At this point, having had a chance to sit back, my favorites are probably Pretty In Pink and Creme De Brulee. I just remember how I felt when I saw those through the camera. I saw that shadow in Pink, was so aware of it, etc. Then the Creme one, the brick was not enough to make the photo busy, but it made the cream color so much richer, richer than any other photo. IMO.
I went downtown on purpose to shoot in that area. You might have heard of Rainbow Row from the Musical/opera, Porgi And Bess. Those houses are prominently featured. I was going to get something that worked if it killed me and that was the best place I could think of. I got so much more than "something".
Oh, yes, Doorbell is the other favorite. I had to reshoot that. I looked at the photos in the car and the doorbell just did not look clear. Rather than take a chance I went back and reshot it at F22. The wall on the left actually juts out and so I needed the DOF to include the doorbell and white, further away, and the wall on the left that was closer.
If I had to I was just going to shoot a blank wall. I also went to a railroad loading type area, not much is from there. And Water street, my favorite place in the Charleston Peninsula. That is where the black door is. I would be in jail for pulling those flowers out. That is sooo funny.
Thanks for liking that photo, though.
Art is anything you can get away with.
Rootsrock Inc.
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I am glad it wasn't a bust for all the effort I put in to the last few days. And going downtown today. That is not like going downtown in some other big city, but it is a bit out of my comfort zone.
However, I did know what was there somewhat, and I did have a plan. I don't know of anywhere else, anywhere, that I could have done that.
Good luck Ginger, looks like you may have some real winners here!
Oh, btw I am new, so Hi!
I am in agreement on Pretty In Pink. I think. I like that doorbell a whole lot and the Creme one, too. But since I can only enter one, I am seriously thinking of Pretty In Pink. I may try to "enhance" the lighter pink area just a tad, finally figured out how.
Yes, I was so tired last night I think I misunterstood what Purified meant when she said without the flowers in Black Door, still it was funny, as I understood it.
With a bit of sleep last night, I can see that she meant what you do. It is grey/white today, cold, etc. I keep saying I am not going out shooting, but I really don't think I am today. No shadows, no sky. I really want to work on my hawk shots. So I don't know that I will go downtown again for this challenge. That area was so cool. And I had so much fun. I actually had a lot of fun playing with the bottle in the side walk and putting money around it. Spent a lot of time with that.
Water Street is, as I said, my favorite Charleston area, so I will reshoot that black door sometime. I would like to get that chalk arrow in that is on the sidewalk. I had figured I would get rid of it with PS, but now I like it.
Thanks again, and welcome. I like Music, too.
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I'd say you did very well indeed! A worthy trip and some wonderful shots! I'm headed out to our local pier, TV cameras were at the beach, guess I missed all the excitement -- again!!!! Should have been there at high tide earlier, but who knew?
I wish whoever calls the news channels would call me, or better yet that we had a webcam at the pier.
All the excitement's over now, all I got was a "flooded" sign and the sidewalk covered in mud...
There's a great rusted door at the pier I want to play some more with, so even if the waves aren't spectacular I'll have something to photograph.
Congrats on your photo expedition, I'm envious!
Great shots NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
You just have a really really good eye! I like the "Pink & Blue" and "Shades" for this challenge. Can't wait to see what you find next.
Carriage House
The Artiste
After School
I love black and white,
I love the artiste! I can't imagine finding something like that. You've found so many good ones.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
So then I went down to the area where I did most of my shooting. I put the pink one up, darkened it a bit.
Is a daiquri pink? I want to name it after a drink, maybe a wine. Will have to talk to my daughter.
"the artiste" is very cool, too. you always do this to me....making me look at so many awesome photos and all, so mean!
And there is a pink one just below where my pink one was. I think that if I use the pink one they should be separated, they don't compliment each other, just my opinion. So, until there are more entries, I can put other ones in the slot I am using: to see what I think. I do like the doorbell one there, but it is as a trial, not as an entry, plenty of time for that.