Promotional band photos
I have been really into shooting these, from the start (about a year and a half ago).
I thought i'd post and shot you all what i have been up to.
Maybe someone else shoots them as well on here? I have yet to see anyone.
My website is , so feel free to check it out.
I have a limited portfolio, but here are some of my favorites so far.

thanks for your time
//adam elmakias
I thought i'd post and shot you all what i have been up to.
Maybe someone else shoots them as well on here? I have yet to see anyone.
My website is , so feel free to check it out.
I have a limited portfolio, but here are some of my favorites so far.

thanks for your time
//adam elmakias
Facebook Page
Hi Adam, I like these, however in the last image I would have liked to have been able to see more of the guy in fronts face, especially his eyes.
The corn field shot is pretty cool
... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
thanks for your interest
im glad you enjoyed em
about the eyes- i have had a lot of mixed feelings on the photo
and the whole not being able to see his eyes either bothers someone, or they really enjoy it. Either way, they notcie and remember the photo, which is what counts.
thanks for your input though!