Backup storage for pictures
I have a mac and I need to back up my photos. I am considering an external hard drive of some sort. Does anyone have any suggestions? I shoot JPG, but still take a fair number of photos so need something with a fair amount of memory.
I maintain my working backups on an external HD.
In fact, I just ordered a second 500GB external sata/usb/firewire for $150 (Fry's and TigerDirect both have them at that price, although I believe TigerDirect took theirs off-sale this past week).
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
Like Bill said, you can backup all photos to smugmug, but may take some time if you have plenty of gigs to do. Check out OWC Computing at, they are very friendly, helpful, and have a good selection of external hard drives. Most hard drives ship out same day too. A redputable company that totally supports mac!
Nikon D80 w/MB-D80 vertical grip
Tokina 50-135 f/2.8
Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D
Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G
Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G VR
RPS Studio Rotating Flash Bracket
SB 600
and one for data.
Works pretty well.
I bought the Buffalo Drive Station with 1TB of storage (split into 2 x 500GB).
two USB or Firewire harddrives. Any known brand will be
just fine (Iomega, Seagate, WesternDigital, LaCie, etc.).
I'd suggest two WesternDigital Elements 320GB or 500GB.
They smell like winegums too btw
― Edward Weston
I too have two copies of all pics on hard drives plus I burn the ones I know I really want to keep to DVD.
Hope this helps.
Tickled Pixels
Tickled Pixels Blog: "A walk in Gamla stan, the old town of Stockholm"
Then use Carbon Copy Cloner to back up to disk image on the network drive - only updating the folders i want - photos and movies and user files
Then have a copy on laptop and on network drive
Also back up the better than average pics to smugmug - I have 1Mbit upload at home so can upload over 1.5GB over night without a problem
Also have 2 external 1TB drives - the thing is - to keep the backup as safe as possible you don't want them sitting on your network or mac spinning all the time - so connect them 2X a week and make sure they're in synch and then put them away - one preferably off site or in your basement or something
that makes 5 copies in total and no time consuming DVD archival which for me was always a pain in the ass as hell you go through a TON of them! and it's time consuming - and more expensive than external drives
Just my 2 cents anyway
Jase //
Two identical backups of that drive, with one offsite, rotated regularly.
DVDs are just too much trouble to track and update. I only use DVDs for backing up virgin shoots out of the camera, and for images you simply can't afford to lose (in case your original on the hard drive goes bad and it propagates to all your backups before you notice).
Also, I use different controllers: my main drive is SATA, which is separate from my OS and apps drive, which is on the IDE controller. The Backup is on the USB controller. This way, a controller failure will be isolated to one source only.
I also make DVD backups whenever I have 4GB of photos. I use a tool that scans the photo harddrive each day, and if it hits the 4GB quota, pops up a message reminding me to burn a DVD of photos since the last DVD. I store DVDs offsite.
I lost some video of my 2nd son in the hospital right after he was born and I don't think I'll ever forgive myself - now I go to all extents to ensure that my stuff is backed up
Jase //
Been there, done that, have a beautiful chared lump of celuloid as a memento. I definately feel your pain.
I'm trying to backup all my negs and slides too - but damn it just takes sooo much time and I don't have any time at is is
both working full time, 2 small kids and no parents around for baby sitting (other side of the world) - makes for demanding times!
but i sure can't say it's not interesting
Jase //