I think you're on to a great idea here and I just love your sense of humor.
As it stands right now, the picture looks a bit dark and flat to me. There's a loss of detail along the bottom part of the photo -- at least that's how it looks on my monitor. But I really like your idea and I know a reshoot is possible.
I don't know from whence your creative juices flow but consider putting a
stopper on it before any gets on that fire. Hmmmm... on second thought that
fellow looks like my evil twin in which case let er rip before help arrives to
save the day.
Besides everything I like about the shot theres the detail of where you placed
the knot that is another nice touch.
I'm enjoying your result a lot. Maybe the lighting to the right hand area
comes on too fast. More diffuse beam to that area?
I think you're on to a great idea here and I just love your sense of humor.
As it stands right now, the picture looks a bit dark and flat to me. There's a loss of detail along the bottom part of the photo -- at least that's how it looks on my monitor. But I really like your idea and I know a reshoot is possible.
I call it playing with fire.....
P.S. No Homies (The Toys Brand Name) were hurt in this creation. And remember kids, don't try this at home. It's only to be done by adults
Thanks for looking and your thoughts.
stopper on it before any gets on that fire. Hmmmm... on second thought that
fellow looks like my evil twin in which case let er rip before help arrives to
save the day.
Besides everything I like about the shot theres the detail of where you placed
the knot that is another nice touch.
Nice one.