While I hate the decision-making process involved in establishing print pricing, I am becoming more familiar with it.
What truly confuses me now is this whole licensing thing with respect to offering digital downloads of my photos.
Would anyone/everyone mind sharing their thoughts on this subject. I understand that this means the purchaser will get unlimited (personal or commercial) use of my photo, but I haven't a clue how to price this as opposed to print pricing.
Thank you for any help or enlightenment anyone can share.
What truly confuses me now is this whole licensing thing with respect to offering digital downloads of my photos.
Would anyone/everyone mind sharing their thoughts on this subject. I understand that this means the purchaser will get unlimited (personal or commercial) use of my photo, but I haven't a clue how to price this as opposed to print pricing.
Thank you for any help or enlightenment anyone can share.
Welcome to dGrin. We all hope you'll find lots of helpful information here to assist you.
This topic has been covered many times. Let me direct you to the SEARCH engine (see the top of any forum) where you can find lots of info, like this:
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Thanks, Angelo. I had already tried searching for previous discussions, and tried again after your reply.
Unfortunately, I have found none that were useful to me. Most seem to be discussing the merits of digital downloads, or other issues, but little has been suggested as to actual prices, or considerations in establishing these prices.
The few that bring up some prices were talking about prices like $2 to $10, or even $20..... Unless I really do not understand the ramifications of selling a license for a photo, thereby cutting off any possible print sales, and allowing the buyer to print and use the photo to their hearts content....well, it just seems to me that it would be prudent to charge more than those paltry fees.
But, like I said, I don't know for sure that I understand all of the issues involved here. That is what I was looking in response to my question: some suggestions as to price ranges, and some clarification on the issues.
If not I'm sure others will chime in with suggestions and advice.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Thanks Angelo, both of those new links give me more than I had before. I still need to do my homework and think about this and your links give me some insight that will help.