Sanho HyperDrives?

Since one doesn't generally like to go by the manufacturer's webpage alone
... Has anyone here used the Sanho HyperDrive SPACE or COLORSpace?
I've got an eight day trip next May that'll leave me out of contact with electricity sources and very limited storage. I'm looking for a good way to backup images from CF and SD so I've got redundant copies of pictures and the Sanho's look pretty nice on spec. Hard to find reviews though!
The Epsons are a little expensive for me to justify alongside all the other things I've still got to buy before May rolls aroung.

I've got an eight day trip next May that'll leave me out of contact with electricity sources and very limited storage. I'm looking for a good way to backup images from CF and SD so I've got redundant copies of pictures and the Sanho's look pretty nice on spec. Hard to find reviews though!
The Epsons are a little expensive for me to justify alongside all the other things I've still got to buy before May rolls aroung.
...and the river flows through our souls...
Downloads from the HyperDrive to my computer is a snap. It has the USB 2.0 connection. Plug that into the computer, the computer sees it as an external harddrive. Downloads are nice and quick. I can download the entire day in 7 to 10 minutes. Easy stuff.
Of course, if you want to review your photos before you download them, this is not the machine to get - the LCD screen is not there for displaying pictures. It's strictly a user interface; and a simple one at that.
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Was the battery life anywhere near what they claimed in your experiences?
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Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
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