settings changed

I don't look at my settings very often, or even at my site for that matter ( not in detail)
However I notic now that I have been making some changes that loads of settings have changed oif their own accord
e.g. I had all galleries set to 'clean- changed
I had protection turned on on all but my 'Family (password protected) galleries- changed
how'd that happen?
However I notic now that I have been making some changes that loads of settings have changed oif their own accord
e.g. I had all galleries set to 'clean- changed
I had protection turned on on all but my 'Family (password protected) galleries- changed
how'd that happen?
Have you used a different uploader, or used SmugBrowser or anything like that where you've accessed the gallery settings?
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Not that IM aware of
yup this is since the new sizes were introduced IMO
Is there any other setting that might have caused it?
i.e. all my gallery customisations were out, I had them all set to 'clean' for example and that ( amongst other settings) had gone
Is this something that smugbrowser will inadvertently do, or is there another switch I might have inadvertantly moved that would reset all my galleries globally?
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Is there no seeting anywhere in SM (not using smugbrowser) that lets you customise settings globally?
I'm sure I didn't do it in smugbrowser, I had a quick look at it and din't bother anymnore and that was ages ago, but I have a vague recollection that there is a global setting button somewhere - or did I dream it? (quite possible)
Im trying to reset all my galleries ( yes it is taking a long time- I can only do a bit at atime)
but this gallery
won't show anything larger than 'Large' despite setting it to each of the other sizes inturn trying to get it to go to the largest sizes
Is it me or SM playing up?
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Yes, go to photo tools>SmugMungous! (Bulk) and generate the XL display sizes
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ahh. does trhis mean that only newly uploaded galleries wil automatically have the large sizes?
er no that can't be right becauase several have them already and I have never even seen the Smugmungous before...???
We create the new sizes any time an image gets processed. That means cropping, watermarking, color correcting, rotating etc.
OK this isn't making any sense to me at all
What I noticed was - some galleries where I set the largest size quite happily displayed those larger sizes, however the gallery above didn't
I dont understand what was different about that gallery??
e.g here
I just changed that image sizes and it worked fine
The images in that gallery were watermarked on 11/24/2007 at 15:14:24 PST. That would have done it.
How do you mean; Watermarking prevents the large sizing?
Sorry I still haven't got it
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yes I did
I know you guys are trying to tell me something but I just can't grok it
Can someone explain it one word at a time for me?:confused
Newly uploaded photos get the new sizes (XL, XL2, XL3) automatically made.
For older photos (pre-SmugMungous), you have to do one of the following to create the new sizes:
1) use the SmugMungous! (Bulk) tool
2) watermark, rotate, apply a color effect
3) replace the photo
Does this help? More here:
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Thanks - now I think the penny's finally dropped