communities, keeping my style
Is there a way to share a gallery with a smugmug community without messing up my theme? I see two choices in the gallery customization, smugmug and community...both change the way in which my photos are displayed.
Smugmug is close, but I loose some of my header customizations.
Smugmug is close, but I loose some of my header customizations.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I'd love to join a few communities, but I won't if it throws my whole theme out of whack.
Thank you
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
One of the key issues that keeps me sharing my time between both SmugMug and Flickr is the community aspect of Flickr. I recently decided to give the SmugMug community functionality a go, and like others, have found that customisations are lost. In fact, even if I set the community to custom, and it's a community I have created myself, I still lose my header customisation.
It strikes me that this could put many people off from adding their galleries to a community, as their hard work on the presentation front would be lost. Whilst I can understand the difficulties in integrating the two aspects, I suspect more people would join communities if they could retain the majority of the look and feel of their galleries, thus increasing the level of community involvement, and providing more interaction between members, commenting on each others shots, sharing critique, etc.
Would be interesting in hearing SmugMug's thoughts on this, now that we're a couple of years on from the original posting....
Best regards,