Cokin or cokin knock off?
is this just knock off crap or is it worth getting?
and similarly for the holders etc?
seems too good to be true. so it likely is huh?
and similarly for the holders etc?
seems too good to be true. so it likely is huh?
40d/sigma 10-20/24-70 2.8L /Canon 70-200f4/50 f1.8/Canon 430EX/ebay triggers and so on.
Seriously. Good filters cost money. I'm always amazed to see someone spend $1600 on a 70-200 f2.8L IS and put a $7.00 UV filter on it for protection that they bought at some discount store and then they can't figure out why their images are soft. Like buying a Lamborgini and putting on Wal-marts cheapest tires on it.
In the digital age, the need for filters is pretty much down to circular polarizers and ND filters. Spend some decent money on the filters you need, plan ahead in buying the size you need and take good care of them. They will last a lifetime.
You'd be better off not purchasing the knock-off if you can avoid it.