Recent photos gallery timeline hack

OK, posted this issue a little earlier and it disappeared (moved? but no msg indicating this) so I'm reposting this
Seems in the past people complained about the recent photos gallery hack always showed the oldest post first and the newest photos last in the thumbs.
Lots of us asked if this could be fixed to show the newest post (thumb) first.
Granted I haven't been here for a while so I have no idea if this issue has been fixed or what the last word was on this issue.
IF it HAS been fixed - could someone point me to the thread so I can this problem licked, or if it hasn't been fixed - why not? (maybe it simply just can not be done, I don't know).
If it hasn't - again, why not? It was a feature that was requested but seemed to have been ignored by the people in the know as we couldn't get an answer (at least right away).
Can anyone help me out on this issue? Has it been fixed? If so - point me to where I need to go, if it wasn't fixed: what was the reason(s) and is there *any* chance of this problem been fixed in the future?
(yes, I posted this already but now I can't find it so I am assuming there was a glitch when I posted (or after) or it was moved and if it was moved I have no idea if it was or where to)
Seems in the past people complained about the recent photos gallery hack always showed the oldest post first and the newest photos last in the thumbs.
Lots of us asked if this could be fixed to show the newest post (thumb) first.
Granted I haven't been here for a while so I have no idea if this issue has been fixed or what the last word was on this issue.
IF it HAS been fixed - could someone point me to the thread so I can this problem licked, or if it hasn't been fixed - why not? (maybe it simply just can not be done, I don't know).
If it hasn't - again, why not? It was a feature that was requested but seemed to have been ignored by the people in the know as we couldn't get an answer (at least right away).
Can anyone help me out on this issue? Has it been fixed? If so - point me to where I need to go, if it wasn't fixed: what was the reason(s) and is there *any* chance of this problem been fixed in the future?
(yes, I posted this already but now I can't find it so I am assuming there was a glitch when I posted (or after) or it was moved and if it was moved I have no idea if it was or where to)
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
I don't believe that it's been fixed yet.
It's a SmugMug thing, not a hack thing.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos