Epson P2000, repair it or not?
Cleaning up around the house and I found my old Epson P2000 in a box. I plugged it and turned it on, hey it still works and looks good! So I let it charge on the battery over night, unplug it and test it power. Thinking something may be wrong with it. I have 2 batteries and neither will take a charge, the unit does not even recognize that a battery has even been inserted.
I have heard horror stories about Epson repair and I have no desire to pay $300 for repairs on a device is that not worth that. Any words of assistance for me?
I have heard horror stories about Epson repair and I have no desire to pay $300 for repairs on a device is that not worth that. Any words of assistance for me?
How about trying a NEW battery? Even rechargeable batteries have a finite life and reach the point where they will not charge. Also, if it takes a generic size battery you might try a different charger that you already have to see if it is just the charging part.
If it works on AC power then cool, but defeats the purpose really since when I am at the race track I have my laptop with me. The P2000 would be nice to have for WHILE I am shooting on track and then hoofing it back to the pits, sort of a intermediary thing so I don't run out of memory cards while shooting. If it worked I could be on the track for a much longer period of time before needing to go to the pits and dumping everything.
Also need to figure out if the unit can read the Extreme IV cards too.
Original battery won't charge is not recognized.
Replacement battery --- same issue.
Runs fine when plugged into wall - but this is a portable device made to be battery driven! Who cares if it works at home???
Epson --- not very happy with your product and it was expensive!!
Won't be buying ANYTHING from them again. Had big issues with my Epson printer, too.
Trying a new battery might prove if the internal circuitry is bad. Some of the newer franchised battery retailers will try out a battery in a unit to see if it works.
Jane B.
Good advice!
Even if the battery terminals or the contacts in the P2000 look clean this may very well be the cause.
BTW the P2000 was the biggest waste of money I ever spent on photographic gear.