Still having speed issues
Due to life constraints, I put my photography on hold for a few months - and a primary factor of that was the lack of speed to my smugmug site from anywhere around my area. It was frustrating to take pictures and have my customers tell me they couldn't see the pictures.
I thought it had something to do with DSL vs Cable broadband connections in my area - but I'm fully convinced it has nothing to do with that.
I now have two broadband internet connections at my house - one a 1.5Mbps DSL line from the local phone company and a 15Mbps cable connection.
I have a new job at the local phone company as well - as a senior IT technician... so hopefully I can help resolve this matter as I have direct access to switches and routers.
One of our primary connections to the internet here at my work is an OC-48 line. For some reason, an absolutely random times of day, my smugmug site will NOT come up. Other times it will load but painfully slow (slow enough I lose interest in my own speedtests!) It turns out it is almost always this slow for anyone using DSL (customers) as well.
My cable connection at home isn't FAST either - it's just fast enough to make me think I'm getting a TON of business on my site or something... (from a client's perspective perhaps).
When I was out in Disneyland over the summer - I could access my smugmug site as a "FAST" connection. The thing popped up so quick it made my heart jump. I've always hoped for that in my home area. It just doesn't load fast here. The only connection I've seen is, that our OC-48 line, and our mediacom lines are physically tied in to Chicago as our backbone. Perhaps Chicago has some sort of bottleneck to you? (I highly doubt but am at wits end here).
Here is my traceroute from work - where I can almost not access the site from either page timeouts or pictures not loading.
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms
3 4 ms 4 ms 4 ms Serial1-0-12.GW6.CHI6.ALTER.NET []
4 5 ms 4 ms 4 ms []
5 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms []
6 6 ms 6 ms 7 ms POS6-0.BR3.CHI2.ALTER.NET []
7 154 ms 64 ms 23 ms []
8 126 ms 131 ms * []
9 107 ms 129 ms 134 ms []
Trace complete.
Can anyone (Andy?) provide me some comfort in knowing that the studio I'm about to open might be feasible to use smugmug with? Or should I look elsewhere? I truly don't want to leave smugmug, but if I can't use the service, I simply can't stay. I've waited a few months for improvements, but I'm still dog slow at my end... help? :cry
I thought it had something to do with DSL vs Cable broadband connections in my area - but I'm fully convinced it has nothing to do with that.
I now have two broadband internet connections at my house - one a 1.5Mbps DSL line from the local phone company and a 15Mbps cable connection.
I have a new job at the local phone company as well - as a senior IT technician... so hopefully I can help resolve this matter as I have direct access to switches and routers.
One of our primary connections to the internet here at my work is an OC-48 line. For some reason, an absolutely random times of day, my smugmug site will NOT come up. Other times it will load but painfully slow (slow enough I lose interest in my own speedtests!) It turns out it is almost always this slow for anyone using DSL (customers) as well.
My cable connection at home isn't FAST either - it's just fast enough to make me think I'm getting a TON of business on my site or something... (from a client's perspective perhaps).
When I was out in Disneyland over the summer - I could access my smugmug site as a "FAST" connection. The thing popped up so quick it made my heart jump. I've always hoped for that in my home area. It just doesn't load fast here. The only connection I've seen is, that our OC-48 line, and our mediacom lines are physically tied in to Chicago as our backbone. Perhaps Chicago has some sort of bottleneck to you? (I highly doubt but am at wits end here).
Here is my traceroute from work - where I can almost not access the site from either page timeouts or pictures not loading.
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms
3 4 ms 4 ms 4 ms Serial1-0-12.GW6.CHI6.ALTER.NET []
4 5 ms 4 ms 4 ms []
5 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms []
6 6 ms 6 ms 7 ms POS6-0.BR3.CHI2.ALTER.NET []
7 154 ms 64 ms 23 ms []
8 126 ms 131 ms * []
9 107 ms 129 ms 134 ms []
Trace complete.
Can anyone (Andy?) provide me some comfort in knowing that the studio I'm about to open might be feasible to use smugmug with? Or should I look elsewhere? I truly don't want to leave smugmug, but if I can't use the service, I simply can't stay. I've waited a few months for improvements, but I'm still dog slow at my end... help? :cry
When you say routers and switches, what exactly can you do?
I'm concerned about your traceroute. Line 7 is the cause of my concern. See how each of the three pings vary greatly. They should all be within a few ms of each other. It should NEVER have anywhere near 90ms variation on the same node. It looks like it is Global Crossing (GBLX). That much variation can be the sign of data loss or some other problems.
Please log into your SmugMug account and use this link:
That is a tool that Andrew whipped up. It's a very nice tool. It runs a traceroute from SmugMug to your computer instead of from your computer to SmugMug. We can get a better picture of the problem with information going to and from instead of just one way.
Please send the results to the helpdesk at SmugMug. You can post it here, but I get pretty bogged down on the desk and shamefully miss some of the posting here. But we'll catch it for sure if you email us.
1 ( 0.162 ms 0.127 ms 0.205 ms
2 ( 7.202 ms 1.751 ms 13.335 ms
3 ( 1.725 ms 1.738 ms 2.432 ms
4 ( 3.398 ms 3.014 ms 2.930 ms
5 ( 50.131 ms 48.443 ms 48.339 ms
MPLS Label=31991 CoS=0 TTL=1 S=0
6 ( 48.937 ms 48.850 ms 48.759 ms
MPLS Label=32303 CoS=0 TTL=1 S=0
7 ( 47.640 ms 47.823 ms 47.555 ms
8 ( 62.364 ms 60.821 ms 77.913 ms
9 ( 68.987 ms 181.070 ms 65.682 ms
10 ( 61.648 ms 58.505 ms 58.346 ms
11 ( 56.106 ms 58.343 ms 55.544 ms
12 * * *
13 * * *
14 * * *
15 * * *
16 * * *
17 * * *
18 * * *
19 * * *
20 * * *
21 * * *
22 * * *
23 * * *
24 * * *
25 * * *
26 * * *
27 * * *
28 * * *
29 * * *
30 * * *
Traceroute complete! That wasn't so bad, was it?
1 ( 0.398 ms 0.186 ms 0.218 ms
2 ( 9.167 ms 1.860 ms 13.481 ms
3 ( 1.999 ms 1.795 ms 1.922 ms
4 ( 3.511 ms 3.032 ms 3.058 ms
5 ( 48.498 ms 48.389 ms 48.311 ms
MPLS Label=31991 CoS=0 TTL=1 S=0
6 ( 49.147 ms 49.347 ms 48.932 ms
MPLS Label=32303 CoS=0 TTL=1 S=0
7 ( 47.848 ms 47.766 ms 47.979 ms
8 ( 59.361 ms 58.362 ms 58.360 ms
9 ( 58.636 ms 58.351 ms 59.534 ms
10 ( 59.256 ms 59.710 ms 58.833 ms
11 ( 55.743 ms 55.548 ms 60.551 ms
What is your SmugMug account? We will be able to check some more information from that.
Can you run another test for us? This one is a line quality test. It's not to SmugMug, so it won't give us precise measurements, but it can get us some clue if there are quality problems. Go here:
Sign up and run the test. You'll have to register, but registration there is free.
This is a hard thing to solve because as you saw, times change every time. Sometimes a node will take a long time to reach and then become very fast to reach. But, that also means that some that are fast, can become very slow.
Where did you say you lived?
I live in the quad-city area in IL. I have tried connections from Davenport and Bettendorf IA - and Geneseo, Colona, Moline, East Moline, Silvis, Rock Island IL areas... no consistant good luck with any of them. They all have their moments where it isn't horrible, but some clicks time out, where others actually load at dialup speed. When I was at disney - smugmug behaved as if it were hosted on my own machine - very snappy and wonderful.
Line test:
<TABLE style="BORDER-TOP-STYLE: solid; BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE: solid; BORDER-LEFT-STYLE: solid; BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: solid" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="80%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Test</TD><TD align=middle>Loss</TD><TD align=middle>Min
</TD><TD align=middle>Avg
</TD><TD align=middle>Max
</TD><TD align=middle>Pass
</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>Simple ping loss check
<SMALL>10secs of 40byte packets 2 per second </SMALL>
</TD><TD noWrap align=middle>0% loss </TD><TD noWrap align=middle>39.4ms </TD><TD align=middle>44.7ms </TD><TD align=middle>65.5ms </TD><TD align=middle><SMALL>
</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>low bandwidth stream
<SMALL>10secs of 56k/bit ping stream 512byte packets </SMALL>
</TD><TD noWrap align=middle>0% loss </TD><TD noWrap align=middle>39.8ms </TD><TD align=middle>48.0ms </TD><TD align=middle>84.0ms </TD><TD align=middle><SMALL>
</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>medium bandwidth stream
<SMALL>10secs of 128k/bit ping stream 512byte packets </SMALL>
</TD><TD noWrap align=middle>0% loss </TD><TD noWrap align=middle>39.6ms </TD><TD align=middle>49.3ms </TD><TD align=middle>132ms </TD><TD align=middle><SMALL>
</TD></TR><TR><TD noWrap>your first hop ping
<SMALL>stream of 40byte pings to </SMALL>
</TD><TD noWrap align=middle>0% loss </TD><TD align=middle>44.8ms </TD><TD noWrap align=middle colSpan=2>Could not estimate first hop speed</TD><TD align=middle><SMALL>
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=6>Ping plot:
Please let me know what else I can do to help!! Thank you again!
The 9% loss in the first hop from the East Coast to you is not good. Also, in most of the traceroutes we see varying times. This may have something to do with routing. I did not see your speed test results here. If you could, we'd like to see what kind of speed you see when pinging the San Jose pyramid.
Go here: We are the San Jose pyramid. Please let us know what the results are.
You can also try unplugging your modem to reset it. Also, are you using a wireless router? Interference can also cause the problems you are seeing. If you are using a wireless router, please try hardwiring to your modem to see if this speeds things up.
Keep in mind I'm not at work now (thanksgiving break) but I still have problems from home or at work.
At work - with a speedtest link to chicago, I usually get around 30-35Mbps... I have not tried it to the San Jose one - but will next week when work resumes.
However, here from home, my link to San Jose is as follows:
And my stats to Chicago are:
But I have to say the Chicago numbers DURING the speed test are almost double... it stayed at 146xx for most of the download and hovered around 93x for upload... then after it reaches 100% it just lowers the numbers as if it's still sending... even though it says it's at 100%.... *shrugs* When San Jose reached 100% it was done - no diminishing numbers.
At work I cannot unplug our gateways or such - as it would take down the whole corporation
Nothing I use is wireless for any of these tests. I do however have an AT&T Tilt phone which has Edge wireless access in my area and it too does not connect to my page unless i hook up with wifi and am having a good day...
I'm not making any of this up... I think there is some serious connection issue with smugmug and the rest of the world in this region/area. That's six seperate ISPs (Mediacom, DSL, Backbone of the Geneseo phone company, AT&T/Yahoo DSL, Quest DSL, and AT&T/Cingular wireless data) not able to get to on a reliable basis. Pretty weird no?