LPS 16 Game Time

Hey y'all, time to play "help Trav's confused mind settle on a selection". The contestents this round are below. The usual rules apply - critiques, criticisms, and slams are encouraged.
The host location was Colonial Williamsburg, VA. For those that have not been there, I highly recommend a visit. I often take it for granted seeing that it is so close by. Aside from the historical significance and the photo opportunities, the people there are truly wonderful. Additional photos can be found in http://owney.smugmug.com/gallery/3865338#223858143





Thanks y'all! Have a happy Thanksgiving (for those here in the states.) Gooble Gooble.
The host location was Colonial Williamsburg, VA. For those that have not been there, I highly recommend a visit. I often take it for granted seeing that it is so close by. Aside from the historical significance and the photo opportunities, the people there are truly wonderful. Additional photos can be found in http://owney.smugmug.com/gallery/3865338#223858143





Thanks y'all! Have a happy Thanksgiving (for those here in the states.) Gooble Gooble.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
Hello Travis.
I agree with the others about number five. I really like the pp work you've done.
There are a couple things I might change. On the upper right there looks like the corner of something sticking out. I would either crop or clone it out.
Also, I think the starkness of the fence I might tone down and one of the post by the horses faces. I don't know, I might try cloning that out.
Of course these are only suggestions.
This is a gorgeous shot with lovely light.
You have another one similar to this at the end of your gallery but I like the angle of this one best.
Hope this helps.
Peace, Gail
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving to you to.
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
All the photos in your gallery are lovely.
I like #5 but something about it looks off with the shadows. Maybe a little too much shadow/highlight tool?
What I'm surprised at is that you didn't consider this one:
It's absolutely lovely and the light is gorgeous!
Thanks Linda. Actually the PP for all of the photos took a total of 30 minutes using Lightroom. For #5 I pushed the recovery and black sliders before backing off the saturation. I liked the effect but it definitely isn't for everyone.
The photo that you referenced is actually 1 of 7 that I'm considering but I did not want to post too many for feedback. The more I think about it, the more I like it as an entry. I appreciate the feedback!
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures