SD card in Adobe Bridge

Had company and was going to make a cd of some photos they had taken, but the SD card wouldn't read in Adobe Bridge.
Anyone know why? I put my CF card in and it works fine.
Anyone know why? I put my CF card in and it works fine.
You did not specify the brand of SD card or the brand and model of the card reader, not the computer and its operating system. How was the SD card formatted? And how large was the SD card - not all readers can read the new larger SD cards also.
I know that I can read SD cards from my G9 routinely on all my macs - desktop, laptop, mini, etc with a Sandisk USB 2 card reader. I just drag the icon of the SD card onto the Bridge icon, and bingo, there are the files in Bridge.
Try a different card reader, because Bridge certainly should see the files in a recognized drive format.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
That is just my experience over the years.
I find that I have better luck with Sandisk and Lexar, than many others ( just like the CF cards themselves too) Sony seems to work well also.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I know what you mean. And this was an off brand I hadn't heard about. But then I don't know many other then Sandisk and Lexar which I use.
I hope to play with it some tonight.
My brother-in-laws memory card was an off brand that I had never heard of before.
When I put in my SanDisk it opened in Bridge and then with Windows and filed it into Zoombrowser---which I never use, but that is ok.
I was really worried for awhile because I thought I really had messed up something big time, but cheap will do what cheap usually
does....not work
Thanks again
I just purchased from Circuit City, yesterday, a current Sony USB2.0 card reader for CF and SD. It reads CF and 2 Gb SD cards just fine, but when I try a new Toshiba 4Gb SD card I do not see it recognized anywhere on my Mac.
The same exact Toshiba 4 Gb SD HC card in my Sandisk card reader is instantly recognized and read.
Like I said, they can be flaky, especially with the newer, larger SD cards
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I am certain that there is a geekspeak explanation for this behaviour, but I'll be darned if I know what it is.
It seems to be one of those mysteries of life -
I bought the Sony reader based on a generally positive impression of the Sony trademark. Well, that impression has been lowered more than slightly now:D
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Geekspeak explanation--sometimes I think they talk themselves in
Sony is good for stereos, but maybe not camera stuff. I know someone who has the Sony Alpha....wishes he had gotten the Canon Rebel instead. And he buys everything that has the label Sony on it except its stock