Pixmantec 'RawShooter' Raw Converter- Free for a limited time

This is a Windows-only RAW converter which is well worth a look..
It's late at night so excuse me if I send you off for a great review rather than trying to explain what has already been explained far better than I could manage...
Search the net for more info if needed...
And for the converter(You'll have to register) download from here:
As a PS7 user (No free RAW converter) I've used a few converters and think this is easily the best I've come accross...
Give it a try if your camera's listed as compatible. It's free so you can't go far wrong and I'm sure you'll be pleased..
A nice pice of software with the Bodwick :thumb seal of approval (worthless in the event of a claim
It's late at night so excuse me if I send you off for a great review rather than trying to explain what has already been explained far better than I could manage...
Search the net for more info if needed...
And for the converter(You'll have to register) download from here:
As a PS7 user (No free RAW converter) I've used a few converters and think this is easily the best I've come accross...
Give it a try if your camera's listed as compatible. It's free so you can't go far wrong and I'm sure you'll be pleased..
A nice pice of software with the Bodwick :thumb seal of approval (worthless in the event of a claim

"The important thing is to just take the picture with the lens you have when the picture happens."
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
The fill light feature is great.
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Hope they get the Mac version out for our friends on the other side
Cincinnati Smug Leader