Another Thought

Hi Gang,
I'm doing a lot of posting here but being here less than a week and the site having so many features, it's taking a while to absorb it all.
This may be another thing that is already here and I just haven't found it yet, but is there a way to get an e-mail notifcation when someone posts to a forum thread that I have posted to? As it is, I'm having to go back to the threads, assuming I remember what and where I've posted, to look for new replies, etc.
Thanks again.
Chuck Cannova
I'm doing a lot of posting here but being here less than a week and the site having so many features, it's taking a while to absorb it all.
This may be another thing that is already here and I just haven't found it yet, but is there a way to get an e-mail notifcation when someone posts to a forum thread that I have posted to? As it is, I'm having to go back to the threads, assuming I remember what and where I've posted, to look for new replies, etc.
Thanks again.
Chuck Cannova
See the Dgrin - How To Do Most Anything thread for more tips -
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I found my way to my settings page, made some adustments and I should be good to go now.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged