HELP with Smugmug Titles PLEASE
Hi I am wondering why now I have reached my 13th and 14th Gallery in SmugMug the titles and start of the discription wont come up beside the little photo (on my home page ~ gallery list below my bio ~ its not that the titles are too long as they are much shorter than others I have I am not sure why or what to do to rectify the problem PleaseHelp or send me in the right direction for help my album link is Thank You Jacinda:scratch :huh
Please change your titles from this
More Pics _Redland Bay _Brisbane
to this
More Pics Redland Bay Brisbane
You must leave spaces, not underscores - some browsers aren't smart enough to know what to do with that, so they can't display them. Remove those underscores, and put in spaces, and you'll be all set.
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Thank you Very Much I did it immediatly and problem solved Thank you so much and Thankyou for the welcome - am happy to be here