IR filter questions

i need some help understanding something about IR photography. I had someone explain to me that I can use my dslr and a "black" IR filter (87) to make an IR image. So I tried it; i was shooting 6 second exposures on an overcast day, but they looked like IR to me. The gelatin filter was borrowed and in really bad shape so I was getting spots/circles all over my image, ICK. So I decided to buy an 87 filter, in hopes that I could get some decent images with a new filter, but the guy at the camera store told me that you can't get IR with a digital camera unless you get it "modified". I am sort of familiar with that; I am not looking to alter my camera, I just want to know if the filter works? Or since I'm fairly new to it I confess, I haven't got a clue. Both people seem to be knowledgable, but they are giving me conflicting info. What's the real scoop?
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
and shoot in any of the camera's modes. Once you do it, it's done and it will
only shoot IR.
With the filter, you will have to get your shot set up. Calculate exposure and
then put the filter on the camera. It means slow shutter speeds and the need
to use a tripod but it will work.
If you shoot a lot of IR, there is an advantage to the mod'ed camera. A mod'ed
camera will also keep your shutter speeds high.
I have only shot IR back in my film days and, havent even thought of it in digital.
thanks so much!
Not all lenses are going to be suited to the process and some will give a strong hot spot in the middle. That would be true whether the camera is converted or not.
Be patient with the process and be relentless to the procedure and you will prevail.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
thanks so much for the help, but now I feel intimidated. :-) how can i tell what lens will be best suited for IR of the ones I have? is there a way to know? i want to order the filter, and I need to decide which lens to get it for. Thank you so much for your help!
A quick Google for Nikon turned up this:
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
thank you again for the info. (I guess I didn't know what I was searching for.