Google Maps API Issue
Hi All,
I recently signed up for SmugMug and am loving it. I enjoy all the great features it has to offer. I think the Google Maps API is really cool, but I am having a problem with it. I can add pictures to the map and I see the SmugMug icon, but when I click on the icon and it zooms in on the picture area it says there are 0 pictures there. Am I just missing something simple? Please help. Thanks in advance everyone!
I recently signed up for SmugMug and am loving it. I enjoy all the great features it has to offer. I think the Google Maps API is really cool, but I am having a problem with it. I can add pictures to the map and I see the SmugMug icon, but when I click on the icon and it zooms in on the picture area it says there are 0 pictures there. Am I just missing something simple? Please help. Thanks in advance everyone!
Hi Rob. I'm new to this too. I also had the same problem but I think I solved the issue with the google api.
My specific problem: The green icons would show up on the homepage 'around the world' map but not in the secondary google maps window after clicking on one of them.
My fix: The smileys seem to show up if you add any caption information to the photo. Perhaps others are not having this problem because mapped photos tend to have captions already. In my testing phase, I had none. Try it out. I would like to know if this solves the problem. My smileys showed up and I also got the mouseclick dialogue box with the pic and caption allowing me to jump into the gallery.
Seeing that this post is over a month old, can anyone else confirm that this fix works?
Mine are probably not related - but I thought I would ask since my original post got little attention.
I have a few galleries where all the images in the gallery have the same exact location. But I think google is limiting the number of points to show up at 150.
Even though all my images have the same tag I think the 1st gallery that has over 150 images "uses up" all of my allocated 150 points.
Is there any way to limit this? Or select which images show up on the google maps?
Hi all,
The same thing is happening when I try to view my images by going to either a little green SmugMug dot on the map only viewable (apparently) on my site. I get to the page where the map should be and I see four links that always seem to show up....the "rated in silicon valley", "two wheels to terror", "dgrin's world tour" and "eye on NYC". After that, there's a spinning icon that says "loading photos" that will never end. I don't know where it found the map that the image led me to.
I have about 20 images mapped now and have had to scoot the little icon over before committing to where it really was. Is this possibly the issue?
I am confused....
Most likely, it is a problem on our side; the images need to have at least one character in the caption for them to show up properly, I'm sorry. It can be a blank space as well. & smugmug & smugmug
There is no way to limit the number of photos showing that are taken in the same place.
Are all the images taken on exactly the same spot? I would not add geodata to all of them on Smug, just have one be the location for the entire gallery? & smugmug
There can be many things going on here, or a combination of things;
Please check that the galleries that contain the geo-tagged images have geography set to 'yes', hello smuggers to 'yes', hide owner to 'no', no password for the gallery, and that all images have a caption. (I may have left a setting out there, a lot of settings influence maps).
If that doesn't help you, please give me a link to one or two of the geo-tagged images that don't show up & smugmug
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This is almost exactly what is happening to me. My gallery is set up as stated above all the galleries contain geo-tagged images have geography set to 'yes', hello smuggers to 'yes', hide owner to 'no', no password for the gallery, and that all images have a caption. I do get the little SmugMug map pin but once I click it I go to the large map and it takes me to the right locaiton but no photo to view or linked. My home page is here. A sample images that is geotagged is this one here. & smugmug
The only thing you can do, is to check the images one by one, I'm afraid. & smugmug
All entered like this below on the "Edit image geography coordinates" page
under photo tools and it was working before the new security stuff was added.
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I was so excited about Geotagging my photos and using Google earth on my SmugMug site - but I think the limitations I am seeing have deflated my excitement and I am wondering if I should just turn it off.
Is there anyway to set up my galleries - even outside of SmugMug (and try to link it to my SM site later) where I can have all my images show up on a map? The problem is I am shooting thousands of images? Here was my original plan which I am finding out will not work with SM.
I shoot a lot of sports - cycling events and field sports. I wanted people viewing my site to be able to click on each individual photo and see it in Google Maps the location where that image was shot (or group of images).
Since SM has a 150 limit, its pretty much of no use to me. Is there any other ways to map these photos outside of SM...and possible link it back into my site?
The map could be posted on any page, SmugMug or not. It uses the feeds, so the galleries that you want to show have to have external links to yes, etc.
You also need to manually add each gallery to the map, when you create a new one. & smugmug
I took a look at your map and I think it is pretty close to what I am looking to do. - Actually my optimal idea is to be able to click on an individual photo in a gallery and have that photo open up Google Maps and show its location on the map with or without the other gallery photos.
For example - say someone is looking at this photo
and they click on the "Map This" button and this photo (if it was Geotagged) would open up Google Maps showing it's location on Google Maps - hopefully with all the other photos from the gallery or sub catagory.
Let me ask this one question - is it possible instead of listing individual galleries to list a subcatagory instead? I'll shoot 20+ races a year with 3-4-5 galleries in each race. I list the race name by subcatagory and break out the individual galleries by I'll end up with 60+ galleries - too many to show on a map as such.
Let me know what you think....and if it's possible without some extreme coding would you mind helping me out with it?
Viewing a geotagged photo was one of the major reasons I chose SM. I am starting to feel I made a mistake. I leave Sunday for a trip to Sumatra, Indonesia. I had wanted to be able to upload images during the trip to keep my bog readers up to date where I am and what I am shooting. I guess it isn't going to happen.
BUMP & smugmug
Here is the code that I used (this will not work on your pages, because of the site-specific key!)
A good place for more information on the maps, is the Google AP documentation. & smugmug