I am a Newbe

I have a site full of photos, want to hone in on my skills, need professional evaluations and constructive criticism, please. I want to be able to shoot jaw-dropping images. So I need to know where I am inorder to get to where I want to be!
If anyone of you professionals would be so kind as to spend a moment, take a look-see and let me know what is it about my photography that stands out. Is there a particular element in my work that perhaps I should focus on and development? Everyone has a style, I have an inkling about mine. Just curious how professional photographers view my work. I was a floral shop owner/designer for 14 years and have just sold my business. The elements and principles of floral design cross over to all forms of art. Am I on track? Please help? My site is either http://wendyclaire.smugmug.com or http://www.wendyclairephototgraphy.com.
Been a reader of DG for awhile and finally got my nerve up to ask for help! Thanks kindly:lust
If anyone of you professionals would be so kind as to spend a moment, take a look-see and let me know what is it about my photography that stands out. Is there a particular element in my work that perhaps I should focus on and development? Everyone has a style, I have an inkling about mine. Just curious how professional photographers view my work. I was a floral shop owner/designer for 14 years and have just sold my business. The elements and principles of floral design cross over to all forms of art. Am I on track? Please help? My site is either http://wendyclaire.smugmug.com or http://www.wendyclairephototgraphy.com.
Been a reader of DG for awhile and finally got my nerve up to ask for help! Thanks kindly:lust
"Of all the senses, sight must be the most delightful." Helen Keller
"Of all the senses, sight must be the most delightful." Helen Keller
try this one for now.
but i took a look at your website and answering your question is going to be very tough. you have such diverse photos!! there are some real jewels in there and some that work a little less for me, but all in all i think you have excellent photos!
i'm sorry i cant help you any further (prob. because i'm at a way lower level of photography then you
Perhaps the links I typed don't work
"Of all the senses, sight must be the most delightful." Helen Keller
Compliments are always a booster. Thanks! Yes, you're right, some of the photos need to hit the circular file. I do have much diversity in subject matter. Trying to find my niche, experimented a lot. Some better than others. What subject stood out for you?
"Of all the senses, sight must be the most delightful." Helen Keller
i think the red cardinal cristmas card is wonderful!
i also liked the sunrise over fog photos in your landscapes section
i like your garden series, these are very scenic and breathe a lot of atmosphere. you make nice use of somewhat muted colours.
you have an eye for 'rustic elements' if i look at your architecture section and a good way of exposure/processing to finish them. same muted colours do well with rustic.
what i didnt like as much:
non rustic things such as the photos in the event section. they are nice, but not like the other photos.
i think your sport section is, although good, not as good as those discribed above.
all in all; i think you are covered in the rustic and nature section, i like your close ups of flowers and insects!
p.s try the wipping post and post your best picture if you want to improve.
Great comments. I will mull them around. I'll try the wipping post. Thanks again.
"Of all the senses, sight must be the most delightful." Helen Keller
Hi there Wendy, I fixed your first link (SMUGMUG) so it works now
I'm not a Pro, I've had a look through quite a few of your images.
I like what I see.
There is one shot I really love the colours in and that's this one
You have some really nice work Wendy.
Hope you get the feed back your looking for.
Welcome to the Dgrin forum, hope you'll post some of your shots.
Thanks for sharing
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Thanks for the fix. You chose everyones favorite photo! I will be posting more so I can get to the meat of defining what I need to work on. Thanx fo spending the time on my site. Wendy
"Of all the senses, sight must be the most delightful." Helen Keller
Skippy, I just went to your site........love, love love your work. I would love to chat with you and pick your brain. The lighting, angles and crispness of your images are what I need to improve on. Perhaps we can email and chat?
"Of all the senses, sight must be the most delightful." Helen Keller