Best way to get out there on Google!
I want potential clients to be able to find me when they type in key words...
What are the best ways to do that with my Smugmug pro account?
What are the best ways to do that with my Smugmug pro account?
Mac User
Mac User
<*meta name="description" content="blah blah blah blah" /> & smugmug
What would the best way to just be linked to the search "Portland Wedding Photographer"?
Put that on every photo?
Sorry about the dumb question.
Mac User
I would at least put "Portland Wedding Photographer" in your bio description. And follow the other suggestions in Ivar's post - including setting up a blog and updating it regularly. If you blog, I'd recommend putting photos in your blog (linking to the photos in your galleries, that is) and setting up the blog photos so that a click on the photo will take the viewer to that photo in your galleries. You can look at my blog (linked below) for an example of that. I don't know what your level of html knowledge is, but just in case you don't know how to link from a blog to your galleries, here's an example of the code from my blog (remove the *'s):
Then give the search engines a chance to index your (new) content and search again in a few weeks.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
So if I should not put "Portland Vancouver Oregon Washington Wedding Photographer photography" in every photo how many photos should I tag that with?
Mac User
Mac User
First of all, I am not saying what you should or shouldn't do. Sorry if I gave you that impression.
The more photos that are key worded the higher the ranking your site will most likely get.
The point I was trying to make about how you key word is that if I am looking for pictures in Oregon and my search brings me to your picture of the Washington Monument because you are a photographer from Oregon I will get slightly annoyed. Maybe even mildly irritated if I haven't had my first cup of coffee
Good luck with your site.
Mac User
I think that if every shot you did was in Oregon, there is nothing wrong with putting it in every picture's keyword, because it is accurate.
There may be some issues with "dilution" (I am not sure if this is the right term) packing too many insignificant keywords which will dilute the ones you want hits on... I wish more people chimed in on this thread.
On a side, but related note. I installed the free stat counter on my site, mostly out of curiosity. While looking through the hits I found that someone found one of my pictures by Googling "foolish picture". Now, some may argue that ALL of my pictures are foolish, but only ONE had the words foolish and picture in them. What I found interesting was that those words were in the CAPTION, NOT the keywords!
So I think there is some valuable information to be learned from looking at your webstats, so if you are not already... it's free!
Mac User
Take a look at this writeup,, maybe it will help.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Hi Denise,
Thanks for posting that link -- honestly, I haven't done any real research on search engine strategies for many years. But to me it just seems logical that if you have "thousands" of pictures from weddings in Portland, you should be ranked higher in a search than someone who has 2. To me having a keyworded picture is a legitimate keyword as opposed to a "stuffed" page that has the same words over and over.
But, I guess that doesn't nescessarily mean that is how the search engines work
I also found Google's webmaster guidelines interesting -
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
That's a pretty good article - kind of brings me up to date. They mentioned a product that you shouldn't use (Web Position Gold). I used that on my friends project. It took the keywords that you wanted people to be able to find your site with and inserted them in all of your web pages. Back then it worked pretty good!