Do keywords take a long time to index?
I've added keywords to one of my galleries, and I'm not getting any results when I search for those words.
Gallery I'm playing with:
You can see the keywords that I've added below the images. Things like classic car, autumn, hood ornament. If I search for these, I get nothing.
I am correct in that if you search for "hood", that the 'hood ornament' (not in quotes) will be picked up, correct?
Also, when I did a bulk keyword add, then when back and looked at the images to see if the keywords took, I had an odd thing happen. The only keywords that showed (this is while I was logged in) were the ones I added when uploaded the photos a week ago. None of the new ones showed. I clicked the "Edit" button next to them, and a window opened that showed all the new keywords. I clicked Save and now they show. Weren't they suppoed to be there when I hit Save in the bull keyword utility?
Anyway, they don't seem to be working. I'm not sure if it takes a while for them to propigate or if they're just broken.
I have Public, Hello Worlds and Hello Smuggers all set to Yes.
Gallery I'm playing with:
You can see the keywords that I've added below the images. Things like classic car, autumn, hood ornament. If I search for these, I get nothing.
I am correct in that if you search for "hood", that the 'hood ornament' (not in quotes) will be picked up, correct?
Also, when I did a bulk keyword add, then when back and looked at the images to see if the keywords took, I had an odd thing happen. The only keywords that showed (this is while I was logged in) were the ones I added when uploaded the photos a week ago. None of the new ones showed. I clicked the "Edit" button next to them, and a window opened that showed all the new keywords. I clicked Save and now they show. Weren't they suppoed to be there when I hit Save in the bull keyword utility?
Anyway, they don't seem to be working. I'm not sure if it takes a while for them to propigate or if they're just broken.
I have Public, Hello Worlds and Hello Smuggers all set to Yes.
off topic, your footer is off by a pixel in Safari 3
seems fine in IE6 and FF2.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I really need this to work as it'll be the basis of my whole site's functionality.
As far as the Safari thing is concerned, I don't have a clue how to fix that. Works on IE6 and 6 and Firefox and I don't have a way to test for Macs.
I'm experiencing exactly the same with keywords as the original poster.
Search function doesn't seem to work either on captions but I don't know if it should ?
(overall happy new smugmug customer)
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Search function seems now to work properly (both on keywords and captions).
However, I had to edit and resave one by one the keywords I had added in bulk mode and which didn't appear spontaneously below each picture.
I didn't try yet to enter new keywords in bulk.
Still not working for me. Seems to be okay with captions, but keywords are getting nothing. I even edited and saved them.
You're right I'm afraid...I had the impression that it worked because I have some keywords in my captions !
Is there still a problem with the search sitewise? The search seems fine within my own smugmug site.
Hi Ann,
Sorry about the issues. But I don't seem to have a problem finding your photos with a keyword search from the main page. For example, your mushroom photo shows up first here: and your flower photos show up here:
Was there a specific photo or keyword that wasn't showing up?
I can see my first mistake - not spotting the keyword results straightaway as you need to hover to see how many photos match - easy to miss I think to anyone new to the site.
I suppose in the light of realising that they only appear as keyword matches - I'm wondering why they don't appear as photo matches - which seem easier to spot among the results. I have checked the captions on those that do come up on a search for say "lisianthus" and they like mine have that word as part of the photo caption underneath. What else do they have which I've missed on mine as mine don't seem to be picked up as photos which match the search term - only as a keyword match.
Apologies for being a bit confused